Running Up That Hill (8/8)

Sep 09, 2010 02:54

Title: Running Up That Hill (8/8)
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Pairing(s): Jane Rizzoli/Maura Isles
Summary: The Wonder Twins united to play with Rizzles and: ‘“This is it.”’
Disclaimer: General series spoilers and details mentioned in specific episodes. We cannot be held responsible for you knowingly spoiling your own Rizzoli and Isles watching.

Jane paced up and down the small aisle of chairs in front of their gate. She was not nervous about going to get Jai, well she was but that is not why she was pacing. Jane hated flying. The idea of being trapped in a rickety tin can thousands of feet off of the ground terrified her. But there was nothing in the world that would keep her from going to Colombia to get Jai. That still didn’t mean she had to like it and the fact that it was extremely early in the morning wasn’t helping her nerves, in fact the coffee was probably causing some of the jitters.

Watching her partner pace up and down the small aisle was giving her a slight headache, if only because it was so early and she had managed to get hardly any sleep the night before. Even after Jane had managed to fall asleep, Maura had stayed up unreasonably late. She had been excited about going to get Jai, but her nerves were starting to make her fidget just a tad, and her lack of sleep wasn’t really helping her at this point.

“Jane, will you please sit down? Watching you pace has given me a headache,” her voice was soft and tired, but there was still a slight edge to the beginning of it. She really wouldn’t mind a nice glass of wine right now.

She promptly dropped in to the seat next to Maura and resisted the urge to tap her feet. “Sorry, I hate flying.” And neither flight that they had today would be a quick one, either the flight from Boston to Miami or the second flight to Bogota. Each flight was at least three hours, three hours that would be torture for Jane. She picked up her tickets and checked the time of departure, only three minutes less than the last time she checked.

“I just want to be there already.”

Reaching out, Maura covered Jane’s hands with one of her own, looking over at her girlfriend with a smile. “I know. I want to be there too, but we have at least six hours before that happens.” she pointed out softly, squeezing the brunette’s hands gently. She had brought some medicine just incase Jane needed to take something on the flight, because she remembered their trip two months ago and how well that had gone.

“We’ll get there soon enough, Jane. He’s not going anywhere.”

Squeezing Maura’s hand Jane closed her eyes and tried to calm down. “I know he’s not, its more I want to be there so the flying is over.” She could count the number of times that she’d flown on one hand, and the number of times she’d flown without panicking without using any fingers. At least she didn’t get physically sick but Jane was not looking forward to the thought of getting on another airplane.

“I remembered to bring medicine this time in case you need to take something.” Maura offered, shifting her hand until she could lace her fingers with Jane’s, holding on tightly. She was pretty sure that they were a sight to the other people around them. Maura was dressed up, as always, and Jane was in her comfortable clothes that just managed to hug all of the right places. Her girlfriend had been pacing since they sat down, and she had been watching her with a look that was both amused and exhausted. Leaning over, the ME brushed her lips against the slightly tanned cheek of her lover, smiling.

“Deep breaths, Jane.”

Following Maura’s directive Jane sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm down a little. Two months ago Maura had talked Jane down from some of the panic of flying, finally coming to the conclusion that it wasn’t the height or the flying that bothered Jane but more being totally out of control in those situations along with waiting passively. The pressure at cruising altitude also gave the homicide detective a migraine.

“I guess I’ll take them now, before we get on the plane.”

Smiling, she pulled the pills out of her purse, as well as a bottle of water, and handed them both over to Jane. It would be kind of cute to see Jane so out of sorts if she wasn’t so tired that she could barely keep focused on the conversation. Shifting, Maura rested her head on the brunette’s shoulder, staring intently at the screen directly in front of them. Their flight was just a little delayed, but she was more than ready to go.

Waving off the water bottle Jane easily dry swallowed two pills before she handed the pill bottle back to Maura. “You have the window, right?” Unlike other nervous fliers, sitting by the window was not at all helpful for Jane. In fact it made the nerves worse. But despite her own discomfort Jane slung an arm around Maura as the waited for the plane to board.

Over the intercom the same disembodied voice called passengers to their plane. “Now boarding all passengers, all rows for flight 9813 with service to JFK International Airport.”

"We invite all SkyMiles Elite and passengers needing further assistance to board Flight 1457 with service to Miami."

By the time they were called to board, which had only been a few minutes, Maura’s eyes were already closed. Making a soft disgruntled sound, she opened her eyes, and glanced over at Jane’s neck. “That would be us.”

Maura took a moment to psych herself up before moving away from Jane, making sure she had her purse and the bottle of water that her girlfriend had returned. Taking a deep breath, she put on her best smile, looking down at Jane as she held out her hand.

“Ready to go?”

Jane had attempted to calm herself down before they were supposed to board the plane. She looked up at Maura, sighing as she pulled herself to her feet. “I might be freaking out but I don’t need assistance boarding,” Jane grumbled, as close to her usual teasing as she could come in the current circumstances. Bending down to retrieve their luggage Jane forced a smile at how different their carry-on bags looked. Maura’s was shiny, leather that did not need the tag proclaiming its designer heritage and steep price tag. While Jane carried a scuffed, yet still serviceable, vinyl, Boston PD duffle bag. “Lead the way.”

Keeping close to Jane, with a smile that she couldn’t quite suppress, Maura realized that this was it. In just a few minutes they would be boarding the plane that would take them to get Jai. The nervousness from earlier returned with a vengeance, but she moved closer to her partner, looping her arm with the one that happened to be carrying her bag. The line of passengers wasn’t too long, and as she held out the tickets for the woman in the suit to scan, she turned to Jane.

“This is it.”

Despite her nerves about the upcoming flight Jane managed a smile when Maura glanced her way as they walked down the jet-bridge. “This is it,” she murmured, allowing Maura to slide past her and in to the window seat. Slinging the two bags in to the overhead compartment Jane settled in to her seat, closing her eyes to prepare herself for the flight.

And a week later Jane was not the only one to keep her eyes shut for most of the flight. Although Jai was perfectly content to sleep his way through the flight, comfortable in one pair of arms or the other. As Jane gathered their bags, and the baby carrier they were now loaded down with, she watched Maura holding their son. Her smile was slight but had stayed on her face even throughout the turbulent flight. They were home and they were finally bringing their little boy with them.

rizzoli and isles, fanfiction, rizzles

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