victor_szasz wrote in
Aug 08, 2011 19:47
How many communities are you a member of and do you actually pay attention to them all?
victor_szasz wrote in
Aug 08, 2011 14:02
Every so often, when not even touching the mouse, I notice the cursor/pointer slowly sliding either across the screen or up or down.
What's causing this?
victor_szasz wrote in
Aug 07, 2011 02:21
Supposedly tofu comes from beans but that's just what THEY want you to think.
Where do you think tofu actually comes from?
victor_szasz wrote in
Aug 04, 2011 12:52
Everybody has that one question. Something they always hoped someone would ask them because they have the perfect answer prepared for it.
What's the question you always wanted somebody to ask you?
victor_szasz wrote in
Aug 02, 2011 22:01
1) If you could choose one of your friends, based on the criteria they're the only available food you'll have, who among them would help you survive the longest?
2) Livejournal was essentially down for 5 days last weekend and it's still a bit quirky now. Whatever did you do with all of that time you'd normally spend here?
victor_szasz wrote in
Aug 02, 2011 19:48
What's the longest you've spent in the same clothes without bathing, and slept in them?
evilgrins wrote in
Aug 02, 2011 19:38
When the action really starts in the trailer, what is that song?