Permissions post; or, potential crappy art.

Jun 04, 2010 02:36

Cassie can see the future, your future, but obviously her mun cannot. From time to time, perhaps her visions can enhance your plots? Or she can just wonder aloud why she's drawing a man in tights walking down the street.

If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, this is where you go. Anything big, small, gamewide, or just you, any event is fair game for her sight.

Hey, I'll even make this easy for you with a form. Knock yourself out. Comments are screened so potential plots aren't spoiled.

Mun Name:
Character Name(s):
Mun Contact Preference (e-mail, aim, messenger pigeon, etc.): In case I have questions or we need to work out plot details.
Time/date event will occur:
What is the event?: Specific images, like what she'd draw are preferred, but barring that, general plot/event details are good.
What can Cassie understand/act on?: What Cassie sees and what she can actually understand and act on are two different things. If she sees someone (good) dying, she's going to be interested in saving that person. Can she post about it to the network to ask for help? Can she actually understand enough details to try and save the person? If the answer to the second question is "yes", can she succeed?
Anything else I need to know?: Or, Narwhals:Unicorns :: Pirates:Ninjas, if you're bored.


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