
Sep 20, 2015 11:22

friends only

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Comments 279

purplemoongrl August 20 2008, 20:32:30 UTC
So does this mean we can say all kind of nasty and horrible things now?

I can understand why you want to do this so IMO it is a wise decision.


wrldpossibility August 20 2008, 21:57:42 UTC
I just felt a bit exposed, and therefore limited in the writing I was willing to do on the internet. And I want to keep all my options open.

And HA! No, this does not mean this journal is now gossip central. (But if you even need a dark corner to whisper in....)


Could I be included as one of your lj-friends, please? anonymous August 20 2008, 21:30:27 UTC
Hi ( ... )


Re: Could I be included as one of your lj-friends, please? anonymous August 20 2008, 21:41:53 UTC
Sorry, me again. I meant an occasional reader not a occasional reader (I was really nervous while typing).

And my correct e-mail: evelyn.cwik.blad3@hotmail.com



Re: Could I be included as one of your lj-friends, please? anonymous August 20 2008, 21:45:31 UTC
I meant an occasional reviewer (can you tell I was really really nervous)

Hides under a rock .........



Re: Could I be included as one of your lj-friends, please? wrldpossibility August 20 2008, 22:21:50 UTC
Don't go hide under a rock! *g*

I recognize your name from pbfic.net. Thank you so much for your words regarding my work. And see, this is why I deliberated locking this journal...I have no desire to lock readers like you out. I don't actually want to leave anyone out of course...I just need a way to make my own work a bit more private. I don't mind lurkers at all. But unless I'm wrong (and I'll look into it), I can't add you unless you have an LJ account. Even if you just sign up for a free account and never use it, I can add you. But without that, I don't think I can.

I will however be leaving entries unlocked for a day or so when I first post them, and you can always find my fic at pbfic.net (I appreciate your reviews there). I hope you are able to sign up for an acct and join me here.


leikvin August 20 2008, 21:39:50 UTC
Very understandable!
I have exactly the same concerns! It's actually kept me from using my LJ much, since I've been afraid to be recognized....Geez...I feel so paranoid sometimes...lol. (Maybe I should consider the 'friends only'-option too...)

Just want to let you know that even though I rarely replies, I usually enjoy your posts very much. Both the fics and the personal stories/ramblings!! So i would love to still have acces in the future! :)
(But I think you've already befriended me, so it should be ok.)


wrldpossibility August 20 2008, 22:06:48 UTC
I totally understand that some people reply to things more than others...that's fine, and I'm glad you're enjoying this LJ. I have your friended, so you're all set!


jendill August 20 2008, 21:43:10 UTC
Really? There are people who don't understand how excited I get when you update? Silly silly people! ;)


wrldpossibility August 20 2008, 22:09:27 UTC
To be fair, I just don't even mention my fanfic writing the people I'm thinking of, but I have a feeling few would understand. If I friend-lock this, then I just feel a greater freedom to write both fanfic here and original fic elsewhere. We'll see how I like it. I'm not really sure about this!


jendill August 20 2008, 22:27:22 UTC
o I understand, there are only a few people who know I've written anything.


creativedreamin August 20 2008, 22:05:27 UTC
it absolutely makes sense, i was thinking about doing the same thing, as many other ppl from what I see. so ur NOT a freak, just a normal person who wants to share some stuff only with ppl she feels comfortable with :)


wrldpossibility August 20 2008, 22:11:09 UTC
I'm glad to hear it!


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