Crying Uncle (1/1)

Jan 18, 2012 18:53

Title: Crying Uncle
Author: wrldpossibility
Fandom: Castle
Characters: Castle/Beckett
Word Count: 1150
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None.
Summary:The first time he asks, they're in bed...
Author's Note: Some of you may remember me threatening to write fluff!future!proposal fic. Yeah, this is it. I have no excuse for my actions...I just felt the sudden urge to write ( Read more... )


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Comments 32

thefallingapple January 19 2012, 04:52:45 UTC
This is so incredibly them. Brilliant, and funny, and touching. And seriously? The flash mob. Best idea ever! He would absolutely do that.

You obviously know these characters, so, so well, but it's that combined with your ability to string words together in such lovely ways that makes your stories so wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing this.


wrldpossibility January 19 2012, 14:08:00 UTC
Thanks so much. (Love your icon, BTW.) Cute!


sandyk1 January 19 2012, 11:38:35 UTC
This is so very lovely. What a treat, thank you so much. Reading a new fic from you always makes my day.


wrldpossibility January 19 2012, 14:08:20 UTC
You're too kind! Thank you! Glad to make your day better!


theaquamarine January 19 2012, 13:25:23 UTC
I am so tickled by this fic! Lovely!! :)


wrldpossibility January 19 2012, 14:08:37 UTC
Glad you liked it! Thanks!


fangirl_101 January 19 2012, 14:33:11 UTC
I adore this :)


wrldpossibility January 19 2012, 18:15:52 UTC
Thank you!


zinke January 19 2012, 17:10:04 UTC
I love this - these? - scenario(s). Fluffy but still so very, very them. Becuase like Castle and Beckett, it's simple - except totally not. *g*


wrldpossibility January 19 2012, 18:38:42 UTC
Yes! I like the way you put it!


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