Away in the Woods (2/3)

Nov 11, 2011 16:55

Title: Away in the Woods
Author: wrldpossibility
Fandom: Castle
Chapter: 2
Characters: Castle/Beckett
Word Count: 3000
Rating: PG (so far)
Spoilers: Vaguely for previews of 4.09 and not so vaguely for Heat Rises.
Summary: Beckett and Castle are banished to her father's cabin in the woods. Alone. For days. Make of that what you will.
Author's Note: This is Chapter ( Read more... )

castle, away in the woods

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Comments 43

recycledstars November 12 2011, 05:07:25 UTC
First thoughts: no it can't end there!

I like this, everything about it. I can't believe I missed the first part until now, but kind of glad I could mainline it.

Just, all the little details peppering the characterisation really get to me. And I like how they're both sort of awkward outside their usual dynamic but still easy.


wrldpossibility November 12 2011, 05:55:58 UTC
Thank you.

And thanks especially for this:

And I like how they're both sort of awkward outside their usual dynamic but still easy.

I'm finding it challenging, writing them outside their environment. I want to be careful to stay in character.


sunshine_minx November 12 2011, 05:57:57 UTC
........ *gasp*

Well, now that I've started breathing again (pretty sure I was holding my breath during Castle's whole speech at the end, there, and up until 'There's something I need to tell you'), I can tell you that I LOVE this, and that I'm eagerly awaiting part three.

You're very, very good at this. Writing them, and comfortably, and I LOVE the idea of the cabin. Old board games... Louis L'Amour novels (Seriously, I AM pretty convinced that every camp/cabin in the world has those novels somewhere in them) painted a great picture of Beckett's father's cabin, and was perfect.


wrldpossibility November 12 2011, 13:52:07 UTC
Thank you! And yes, I've been in a lot of cabins, and every last one of them has western novels in them. ;) Thanks for reading!


muldy November 12 2011, 07:24:48 UTC
Oh you are mean. Ending it right there? That's mean!

But awesome, and I cannot wait for the next part!!!


wrldpossibility November 12 2011, 13:52:39 UTC
I love cliffhangers! But the next part will be out's already mostly written.


whitewriter November 12 2011, 07:43:57 UTC
the hairdryer.... Chef castle... That he made his bed and she didn't bother.
Loved those moments to bits.
You, making us wait for ch3? That i dislike.

I'd point out some typos i found but oh heck i'm on my phone and was way too distracted by the awesome to care much.

*demanding face* me thinks u have ch3 ready to go and is just holding it like Castle and that bag of coffee. Oy! Post it up!


wrldpossibility November 12 2011, 13:54:16 UTC
*dangles it in front of your face*

Nah, it's not quite ready, I promise. And yes, I'm quite sure there are typos, but hopefully not in abundance! Thanks for reading!


fading_ripples November 12 2011, 09:18:51 UTC
This is wonderful! I especially loved the part about the coffee..hee!

Also, he's been married twice since he divorced Meredith? I thought he was only married twice..? I'm nitpicky, sorry!

But write quickly, I need more of this! :)


wrldpossibility November 12 2011, 13:55:14 UTC
Yeah, I think you're right. That fact was niggling at me. *changes it*

Glad you're liking the story, and thanks!


fading_ripples November 12 2011, 16:17:39 UTC
My beta-brain can't help editing fics when I read them, so I just had to point it

I love the story! :D


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