Two messages on my phone this morning. First one, from hubby: "I made a deal with my friend, and he's giving us a whole deer." Message two, also from hubby: "He's gutting the deer, but we have to either cut it up or take it to a butcher to do it
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So this post is going to have a little bit of everything in it. I've got a NaNo update (of course), a school update (for me and for Dori), a work update (for Mark) and... I have no idea what else. But I'll start with the writing stuff and get that out of the way. I've got 42,514 as of last night. Woohoo! Yay! I also let Mark read the first 1000
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I think I'm going to change gears for a bit tonight, vent out all the frustrations like I normally do. Maybe that will allow me to continue with my NaNo.