Title: On the Legitimacy of Hypothetical Dogs
Pairing: DdangWook (Ddangkoma and Ryeowook...does that even make any sense)
Characters: Ryeowook, Ddangkoma, Heechul
Genre: Crack, Humor (...Romance?)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Love can be mutual if you’re delusional enough, apparently.
I’ve always wanted to be a June bride! )
Comments 17
this is your fault
take responsibility :|
i found the reply button pretty quickly this time
this is the most epic love story in suju!verse i have ever seen. my love for you is now as pure as unused tampons.
please tell wookie to invite me to the wedding. i enjoy june weddings.
also, yesung approves of this pairing.
LOLOLOL no you told me you don't believe in shisus. go pray to yesung or whatever weirdo
omfs why are you so dumb ahaha
THANK YOU VERY MUCH BB OLIVE YOU TOO. i appreciate the tampon-love btw
sure sure. you can play the organ :'DDD
...i see that
oh right LOL brb going to my altar to pray
shit i figured it out didn't i
tampons ARE love and you know it
i'll play it better than heechul's dog
...wookie can too
I love this! How crazy is this? Oh my goodness!
-You don't have a dog... -Exactly. Ah Ah Ah XD
I can just imagine the turtle struggling to get away, and Ryeowook petting it...
It's how Ddangkoma shows his love for Wookie! XD
Also, you are magic ;___; I was just going to comment on "Hope" (which I have been stalking since the beginning lolol). You are one of my favorite writers ever alskdjalskj and that story in particular just touches the heart ;AAAAA; Thanks again bb ♥ /goes to comment now
*Stepping back to the sudden sight of a turtle's feet kicking in front of my face*
...What the...?
*Ryeowook smiles, shoving the turtle closer to my face.*
No. For the last time, I'm not kissing it, Ryeowook ssi. I'm not.
*turning around to face you, leaving a pouting Kim Ryeowook behind, turtle in hand*
Sorry for the disturbance. Where was I? Oh yeah, You're soooo sweet! XD I hope you'll be writing some more, I just love stepping into other people's worlds XD
He wants the world to appreciate his lover, I'm sorry ;u;
♥ Thank you very much~ I am/will be writing lots more :D And one day I hope to be able to write serious stories too ahaha
I love that too~ It's a huge part of why I enjoy reading fanfic so much :DDD
(The comment has been removed)
You're very welcome ;____; Thank you for the fulfillment of my ambitions as a missionary of stupidity OTL
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