Title: music from a farther room
Character/Pairing: Yoochun (Jaejoong/Yunho/Yoochun)
Rating: G
Summary: AU. "The last thing Yoochun sees is the door slipping shut, the reflection of his own face in the glass falling towards him; then he knows nothing."
Author's notes: For
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Now I'm all gleefully anticipating how Changmin and Junsu fit in to this.
I think I've got down all of this story that's going to come easily. I've seen a few more bits of the same universe, but I think they belong to other stories.
A mummy, you say? I think I shall.
*cocks head* An intriguing plan.
I'll see if I can't get a look at that today, then, though I may not get to commenting until Wednesday. Busy week. *G*
It's a funny beta story. We have those on occasion. *G*
Not sure the boys would go for it, though.
No rush ^^
I see. I did ask but I haven't got a reply yet! *curious*
Changmin will soon see it's a matter of survival. He'll bring the others round.
No rush is good, because today I'm feeling accomplished just keeping on top of comments.
She's had family in town over the weekend. Patience. *G*
But if they eat the bunnies, they're not surviving in literary form. You may have a struggle on your hands.
Whenever you can :) Especially now that you've OKd the stories for Yunho and Changmin's birthdays.
I'm not very good at patience. You might have noticed ^^;
Well, you know how I had no stories in progress on Sunday? I've got three documents open right now, not counting the things waiting for you to look at or the AUs. I don't think lack of bunnies is going to be a problem any time in the near future. The boys are welcome to any of them they can catch.
Possibly it would be best to wait out the antibiotics and near-constant sinus migraines. I can't vouch for my accuracy, otherwise. *G*
You should be. You're gonna be a doctor. Thank you, folks, I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waiter.
I'd laugh, except there are days when I kinda leak story, so. Yeah. I mean, I just remixed myself. I blame drugs.
Sigh. *fidgets in place?*
Yeah, I'm not very good at those either ;) And that almost made Junsu's oyaji gags look funny.
There are times I think I'm glad I only write this much about one year in three or four. (Of course, the urge only ever hits in the worst possible years, but there you go.) Oooh, you remixed yourself? Maybe you should look into more of those drugs.
I'm lucky to gain the concentration to answer comments right now. *G*
Junsu is but a novice, and y'all should probably be glad the language barrier and living in different countries makes it unlikely that I will ever have the chance to tutor him in the ways of really bad puns.
I hope this doesn't mean you'll stop writing this year, because we've just gotten used to having your work on tap, so to speak. *G*
If I keep pausing to remix myself, I'll never get the new stuff done, and some of it's on deadline.
*fidget fidget* I can wait. I'm just not good at it. :D
... The mere thought makes me hide under the table. You're probably going to take that as a compliment.
Well, that would be the established pattern - somewhere between 6 to 18 months where I have to write, and then a couple of years where I get to think. We'll see.
Ah, bah. Deadlines.
... The mere thought makes me hide under the table. You're probably going to take that as a compliment.
Well, yes. *G* It's all part of my Evil, you see.
somewhere between 6 to 18 months where I have to write, and then a couple of years where I get to think.
I'd go crazy if that was my cycle. We all need intake periods to recharge and rebuild the well of words, but I get antsy when I can't write, so a recharge period of a few years would not be good.
Well, at least I can see the Evil coming now?
I do write, I just don't have to. And I write things for myself, mostly poetry, rather than things for other people.
You can only see the part of the Evil that is there specifically to be seen, and act as a distraction while the other parts conquer the world. *G*
I see now. I have to write, which is the only reason to keep at it. Certainly, there's no money in it.
Oh. *looks harder*
I think I keep not expressing myself very well. I was using 'write' in a very literal sense. So on my 'off' periods, I compose things, but the urge to commit them to paper or screen is a lot less intense.
I'm using "write" in the literal sense, as well. It literally makes me crazy not to write.
I feel most crazy when I'm writing. Hmm.
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