016: The Four Times Joe Jonas Broke Hearts and the One Time He Didn't

Mar 08, 2009 20:42

Title:The Four Times Joe Jonas Broke Hearts and the One Time He Didn't
Word Count: 1,430.
Characters: Joe/Mandy, Joe/Amelia, Joe/AJ, Joe/Taylor, and ultimately Joe/Demi
Rating: PG
Summary: Joe's never had the best luck with girls.

This was basically a writing meme to get me off of a block, and it became something I had a really fun time writing. :)

1. Joseph's dad is nice and loves God but sometimes he can be kind of scary. When he wants something done, he speaks in his Sunday voice, and somehow makes it seem that God will be mad if Joseph doesn't do what he's told. So when his dad tells him that maybe it'd be a good idea for him to make Mandy his girlfriend, and says things like "God fearing family" and "strong valued", Joseph does it without being told twice.

He doesn't want to though. Mandy's really pretty and really funny, but the thing is, she's his best friend and not much more. It's not much trouble for Joseph to hold her hand though, so he does it willingly. But then, a few months later, they're kissing and even though it's kind of fun, it doesn't feel right. So he tells her one night that he loves her, just not that way. She goes home crying and when Joseph's in his room because he gets grounded that night for "disobeying," he feels like crying too. He just wanted his best friend back.

2. He swears that it's not the accent, but who is he kidding? Her brown hair is soft and the fact that she's slightly taller than him is kind of hot, but really, it's the accent. When she talks, he doesn't really listen to the fashion show or her new dog that she's telling him about, he listens to the way her mouth shapes her oh's, thinking about how he's pretty sure even her laugh is different. And even though it's always fun when she's talking, the end of the conversation never is:

"Joe, are you even listening to me? I just asked you something and you're just staring at my mouth. Just because I'm a model that doesn't mean I want to make out with you the entire time."

And he wants to explain that, no he doesn't want to kiss, he just wants to listen, but damn there she goes again talking like that, and he loses his train of thought.

It breaks off pretty soon after that and she spreads a few rumors around about him using her and it's not nearly as fun then because he doesn't hear a voice, he just sees the nasty words written on Myspaces. He decides then that he's probably better off just watching Steve Irwin on t.v or something.

3. It's their first tour and it feels so good. He's coming off that stage every night with such a high that he feels like he could just jump back on and do another two hours. Girls are asking for autographs, he and Nick just got a high score on Grand Theft Auto and really, things couldn't get any better.

But then they do. AJ's dancing a lot closer on stage these days, and texting him the most out of Nick and Kev (he checked their phones) and, well she's gorgeous so he's fine with it. They start sneaking out a lot when they're at hotels and even though he's not usually a bad kid, he's feeling pretty invincible at the moment.

She's this incredible kisser and after-concert-tour-bus make out sessions are happening every night, and Joe thinks that this summer is pretty much the best one of his life.

But summers tend to be that way, and when Columbia drops them a few months later, even a good kiss doesn't make it feel better. But maybe forgetting her birthday wasn't the best way to about telling her that.

4. They're touring again, but this time, Joe's a professional. He knows that dating and working never mix well, as if AJ, Miley and Zoe list hadn't taught him and his brothers enough. But he thinks Taylor's different. He genuinely likes her, with that snarky sense of humor and the way that he can have a ridiculously good time with her just walking around a random tour stop. So he sees no harm in asking her out, and for a while he's pretty sure he made the right choice. Her hands are kind of calloused when he holds them because of guitar and it's nice, and she's like this 5' 8" blonde ball of energy that keeps him psyched even when touring gets tiring.

Then all too soon but at the same time not soon enough, the tour's over. Suddenly there's no more late night guitar jam sessions, there's just random video chats and texts and it just kind of sucks. And as if that's not enough, they're shooting Love Bug and Camilla Belle agrees to star. Beautiful, all-time crush, perfect Camilla Belle. They're on a boat and Camilla's dressed to the nines and Joe's having feelings that would categorize him as a pretty shitty boyfriend, so he figures that the sooner he breaks it off the better.

He breaks it off after a few Redbulls and a late night of recording, so the combination of energy shots and sleep deprivation made what he had planned to be a sincere talk with Taylor bouncier than he meant it. Even though it's a short call and, well she hung up, he feels alright about it. It'll be nice just being friends with Taylor, no stupid relationship strings attached. It's a few weeks later that Joe realizes she doesn't plan on that happening.

5. He's about to meet the person who'll play his crush in 'Camp Rock', and Joe's kind of nervous. It doesn't really matter what the fans think, he knows he's not the best actor and dancer, so he's kind of hoping the chick's not some bitch who'll complain about his suck level the whole time. But then this beautiful girl walks in and says her name's Demi and that she's scared out of her mind about this, and Joe can't help but smile.

They're on stage rehearsing and sometimes Joe has to just stop and listen to her. The funny thing was, Joe never meant to be a singer; he kind of stumbled into it because he was jealous of Nick and liked how it worked out for him. But Demi? When he listens to her, he can feel that this is what she's born to do. So it's worth it to have to re-shoot a scene just to see a girl as great as she is getting to do what she loves.

She's been hanging out with that sketchy guy from The Cab lately, and Joe's not a fan. It's not that he has feelings for her, it's just that four months of filming and another five in a studio is enough to make them close. Nick catches him staring a few times, and Joe's kind of given up on explaining himself, and instead spends his downtime complaining to Nick that maybe Demi should date someone who can actually sing.

That relationship lasts a month, thankfully and things are back to normal. Camp Rock's premiering in the UK tonight, and maybe it's the time zone, but Joe's pretty jittery. Going abroad is kind of scary because they never have that safety valve of fans who blindly love them, and oh God what if they hate the movie? Joe's too nervous to sit and watch Nick mess with his tie so he starts to wander the hotel hallways and somehow ends up in front of Demi's room.

He knocks and she opens the door, with this sparkly dress on and a look of sheer nervousness on her face. She's babbling on about how scared she is and how she can't get her hair to look right, but he's having a difficult time focusing. He's not really sure what compels him to do it, but right in the middle of her sentence concerning the height of her Jimmy Choo's, he kisses her. She tastes like softness and strawberry kiwi, and it's just how he imagined it. She smiles into his mouth a little, and he can't help grinning back, so the kiss kind of ends with them just smiling at each other and him helping her into her coat.

They're at the premiere and cameras are flashing everywhere. Joe's holding Demi a little too close, but she's his co-star and he's allowed to. All he really wants to do is kiss the side of her head, but instead he takes the moment of chaos to wonder why it took him so damn long to find someone whose body fit so well next to his. And he can't come up with a good answer, because there really isn't one.


oh, and hopefully the Grammy's story will be finished by next week and I actually catch up on those drabbles? lol who knows. Hope everyone's having a good week!

joe, story: the four times, one-shot, jemi

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