fic- "He's Gibbs" NCIS Part 4

Dec 03, 2007 16:29

Title: He’s Gibbs
Author: CJ aka WritinginCT
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Gibbs/Abby
Rating: Teen - PG13
Warnings: Romance, Humor
Feedback: Love it? Hate it?
Disclaimer: I don’t own the recognizable characters I’m just inspired by them. Hopefully they’ve had fun playing in my sandbox.
Comments: Gibbs is just being Gibbs. And Abby loves him for it!
Status: WIP


Abby had taken a goodly long time in the bathroom changing and fixing her hair and makeup. Taking a deep breath she headed back to her lab. Her eyes were drawn to the new Caf-pow sitting on her workbench that hadn’t been there before. She walked over to get it when she noticed that someone, no not just someone she thought, Gibbs, had arranged her paperclips on the workbench into a big smiley face. Abby smiled and giggled in spite of how crummy she still felt.

His quiet voice asked from behind her, “You okay, Abs?”

Her shoulders tensed for a split second and she didn’t turn around, “Yeah. It’s not a big deal.”

“You crying is a big deal, Abs.”

“I’m okay now. I was just being oversensitive.”

He came up behind her and put his hands gently on her shoulders, “You going to tell me what they said?”

She sighed into his touch, “No. It doesn’t matter.”

Gibbs leaned in close to her ear, “How can I be your white knight and go charging over there to defend your honor if you won’t tell me what they said?”

Abby dropped her head and said quietly, “And what happens when you get sick of defending me?” Her sharp intake of breath made him realize that she hadn’t meant to say that out loud.

He gently turned her around and lifted her chin, “I will always defend you. Always, Abs.”


The following Monday the doctor cleared Abby’s wrist for all activities, the fracture was completely healed.

Tuesday morning Gibbs cheerfully made his way into Abby’s lab, coffee and Caf-pow in hand. He almost stopped dead in his tracks when she gave him an honest to goodness Abby smile. He hadn’t seen one of those in a while. She had been a little on the sedate side the past couple of weeks and it was nice to see her getting back to her normal perky self.

“Whatdaya have for me, Abs?” He asked as he closed the distance between them and handed her the oversized cup.

She went off on a verbal romp through the evidence, giving him plenty to nail the suspect they had cooling his heels in the interrogation room.

He gave her a peck on the cheek and said, “Good work, Abs.” He turned to go and stopped at the door, “Oh, before I forget. You and I have a date tomorrow afternoon. Bring your gym clothes. It’s time for Self-defense 101 now that your wrist is healed.”

He didn’t give her time to reply and zipped out of the lab as cheerfully as he had come in. Abby, however, groaned. She had hoped he had forgotten. No such luck.


The next day Tony walked into the lab at lunchtime and upon seeing him Abby grabbed the lapels of his jacket, “Tony. Please tell me we have a case and you are bringing me evidence to process right away.”

Tony gave her a frightened sort of look, “Um. No. Sorry. I was heading out for burgers and wanted to know if you wanted anything.” She seemed frantic and that was never good.

“Oh, Tony. You’ve got to help me.”

“What’s the matter, Abs?”


“I need a little more to work with, Abs.”

“He’s, well, he’s Gibbs. And he’s insisting that he teach me self-defense this afternoon.”

Tony shook his head, “And that’s bad?”

“Tony!” she cried throwing up her hands.

He made face, wishing he had never decided to venture into the lab, “I hate to say it, but I agree with him. It can’t hurt for you to know real self-defense moves. I know you chuck a mean Caf-pow but it would make us all feel better knowing you can defend yourself the right way. And you couldn’t ask for a better teacher, Abs.”



Chapter List for He's Gibbs

cat:humor, char:jethro_gibbs, char:abby_scuito, fandom:ncis, pairing:jethro_gibbs/abby_scuito, char:tony_dinozzo, multipart fic:he's gibbs, cat:romance

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