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Comments 4

sswiftstrike October 28 2011, 04:24:17 UTC
I really liked this! I loved your re-imagination of them in WWII and the terse description.

Although, I'm not sure I completely understood the ending, I'm a little sleep deprived and my brain's not really working. Did Dean choose to press on and Cas to Switzerland?


miscellanium October 28 2011, 05:02:31 UTC
Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!

re the ending: Dean chose to split from Cas and focus on Sam - think s6, sort of. (I know it can get a little confusing, sorry - first time writing a fic this long and it shows!)


sswiftstrike October 29 2011, 03:11:32 UTC
*nod nod* that makes sense. Honestly, I didn't realize this was your first effort. It was really polished.


jayfray18 October 30 2011, 19:04:42 UTC
You posted!

Well done m'dear, it was a pleasure working with you on this. The artwork compliments your story wonderfully.

Congratulations on your first long fic*grins*


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