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Comments 4

obstinatrix December 20 2011, 15:44:02 UTC
Wow. This was excellent. This is the Castiel I've always wanted to see in fic and rarely found, and the fact that Jimmy is effectively the only human in the whole story really worked for me. I love the way you deal with vessel issues here and I love the ending. Beautiful.


miscellanium December 21 2011, 03:54:22 UTC
Thank you very much! Vessel issues are one of my favorite things to write and read about, so I'm glad you enjoyed that particular aspect.


sgmajorshipper December 20 2011, 20:40:25 UTC
Oh, wow. That's...wow. Intricate and intense, yet essentially otherwordly. Everything, from the way you've written it to the story itself feels alien. I have to agree with obstinatrix; Jimmy is effectively the only human, familiar item in the whole thing, and that really pulls it all together.


miscellanium December 21 2011, 04:12:22 UTC
Thank you - I'm glad it worked for you! (I may be physically incapable of writing a non-otherworldly Cas, so the more people who enjoy that the better *g*)


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