Title: We Always Knew They Would Both Find a Way to Get By
Author: Soujin
Claim: Arthurian legend: Sagramore/Mordred
Prompt: Prose
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Sagramore looks old these days, with dark places under his eyes, as if he never slept. In bed, his skin slides against Mordred's, two shades darker and more shadowy still in the half-light from the moon. It's good, God knows it's good, heat and touch and relief (who else understands him, as Sagramore does?), and Sagramore whispering against his shoulder, and who else can he trust in this world?
But the seizures always come the morning after, shaking Sagramore's body, and Mordred can't make him hear, can only lie and watch--powerless, so powerless he shakes with him. Damn.