Title: Perhaps a Bottle of Rose Instead
Author: Soujin
Claim: Arthurian legend: Sagramore/Mordred
Prompt: Thumb
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
"Good Christ."
"I know, I know." He swallows a laugh when it strangles; catches hold of Mordred's tunic with his other hand, clenching a fist.
"I should kill him."
"It's nothing vital."
"How do you survive?" Mordred shoves a handful of cloth against the bleeding stump on Sagramore's hand. "You're insane."
"Just disappointed," a more ragged whisper, reaching for him.
"Not now, for God's sake. Do you plan to do this the day somebody cuts you open?"
"Of course. If that happens, I'll need a kiss for luck. --It does hurt a little."
"I know."
Mordred kisses him fiercely.