Title: My Sweet Romantic Teenage Nights
Author: Soujin
Claim: Arthurian legend: Sagramore/Mordred
Prompt: Clockwork
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
"I'm not doing anything until you take that damn thing off."
"I might need it."
"Not while you're here, for Christ's sake," Mordred says, reaching around him to unbuckle his swordbelt.
"I never know. You might turn out to be an evil enchanter. I might need to run beaten silver through your heart."
"You might need to shut up." He lets the sword fall. Sagramore winces at the clatter.
"Need this be such a regular occurrence?"
His hands move downward. "They may not teach you this in Hungary, but it's not a fair fight if one of us is armed."