FAQ & Rules

Nov 07, 2011 19:28

What is writerverse?

Like many other land comms, writerverse is an interactive community with teams and challenges much like whedonland and stargateland. Our central theme is creative writing - original fic, fanfiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, screen-writing, and much, much more. Challenges will primarily be individual with a mixture of team challenges and games ( Read more... )

faq, mod!post, rules

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Comments 19

et_tu_lj June 18 2012, 20:32:43 UTC
Hi, newbie question. From the rules I understand that you don't allow previously written/posted stories for challenges, which makes sense. By the way it was worded, I wasn't sure about stories that responded to multiple prompts. Is it okay to post a story written specifically for a writerverse challenge, but which is also written in response to an active prompt at another community? I pick up prompts from different places and sometimes it's the combination that inspires. I wanted to see if that was okay before the situation comes up, since I know it will at some point.


nynaeve_sedai June 18 2012, 21:03:14 UTC
The way I've always explained it is that we want to be the original prompt. If another comm allows combinations, then you're welcome to submit your piece to their comm as well. As for combining the two...we have allowed in the past, so long as the challenges end roughly the same time (so they're running near co-currently - so if you see a prompt on the Table of Doom and a prompt elsewhere, it would be a no-go because the other challenge is ending before our challenge). But say one week you're writing a Quick Fic and you see a prompt elsewhere that enhances your story and you want to submit to both, we'd say that's in the spirit of what we're trying to do here at writerverse, which is to get people to write and get new stories out there. We're not running around policing people and we generally go by the honor principle.

We just don't want people being points focused, if that makes sense.


delilahdraken October 7 2012, 08:31:29 UTC
Hallo there.

I have a question similar to the one asked above about using prompts that also come from different commnunities. If I were trying to write for tamingthemuse, where one gets a prompt every week and the principle of the thing is to not stop writing, would I be allowed to use said prompt for a writerverse challenge even though this writerverse challenge might run longer than the promt week at TtM?

And a second question, because I didn't see it mentioned in the rules: Is fanfiction allowed or does one need to write only original material for writerverse?


nynaeve_sedai October 7 2012, 14:39:17 UTC
For writerverse, we do ask that we are the primary prompt supplier - so you could write for your other comm as well, but the prompt should be our prompt first (so it should be in answer to our challenge, and our challenge should be the one ending first for that reason). If the other comm doesn't have an issue with you submitting something from another comm for one of their challenges, then you would be in the all clear.

And yes, fanfiction is most certainly allowed. The only writing not allowed is RPF (you can find more information about that here.


macara December 5 2012, 21:19:43 UTC
Another Newbie question, I'm familiar with Stargate land because I live with elaiel and I am interested in joining, but I was wondering what types of challenges you have. Thanks x Macara


nynaeve_sedai December 5 2012, 22:24:24 UTC
We have most of our challenges from Phase 1 available to view. If you go to the main comm and browse through, you'll see the earlier entries. Many of our challenges will look like those. Thanks!


rubystandish December 8 2012, 22:23:13 UTC

I'm new and read and read the Rules but I'm still a little confused on where to post stuff. Do I post it on my journal and then a link on the writerverse community? Or do I post the link onto my team community? Or do I just post the actual fic on the community instead of my journal?


nynaeve_sedai December 8 2012, 23:12:23 UTC
In each challenge it will state that your options are (unless otherwise noted):

1. If short enough, you can post it in a comment directly to your team challenge thread.
2. Post it under a cut in wv_library with appropriate headers and provide a link with the appropriate submission form to your team thread within a given challenge.
3. Post it in your journal as a public entry so that it can be viewed by everyone and provide a link with the appropriate submission form to your team thread within a given challenge.


mamculuna January 26 2013, 04:02:07 UTC
Question about the length and size of the challenges. I just found this commmunity and really want to join, but have a very busy period coming up for the next couple of weeks. I won't have time to write anything very long right away, but really want to get started. How long must the writings be?


nynaeve_sedai January 26 2013, 04:14:24 UTC
We generally have at least weekly Quick Fics which have a minimum of 100 words. So you can write stories of varying lengths - we try to keep it broad. Some of our members are drabble fans and others want to write epics and we want to accommodate authors of all types :)


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