”Yes, You Idiot”ーDoctor Who Fanfic

Jun 05, 2011 00:14

Title: Yes, You Idiot
Pairing: Amy/Rory
Words: 537
Rating: PG
Summary: Rory proposes!
Note: For the DocWhoLand challenge prompt 'yes'; Thought immediately of Rory and Amy's proposal and had to fill that.
First fanfic for Doctor Who and it's season 5 and about Rory and Amy? This is very odd, coming from the Rose Tyler fangirl.

“For God’s sake, Rory, spit it out will you!”

Amy Pond and Rory Williams sat across from one another in what could be described as the poshest restaurant in Leadworth, though when the choice was between two restaurants and one was the pub, that really wasn’t saying all that much.

When Rory had invited Amy out to dinner his intentions were almost painfully obvious. He hinted that Amy should dress nicely as he was wearing a suit, his left hand constantly fiddled with the contents of his trouser pocket, and when the waiter came over he was unusually jumpy.

“What, do you mean, Amy?” Rory asked at his girlfriend’s exclamation.

“Rory, you’ve been acting weird all night, and with you that means that something is up. You were never good at hiding emotions or anything like that.

“Amy… Amelia”

“Don’t call me Amelia, you sound like my Aunt.”

“Amy ..” Rory was sweating, playing with the lid of the box. The two of them had been together for years and friends for even longer than that. Even though some of the people in Leadworth wondered what Amy was doing with Rory when she could be dating someone like Jeff, Rory still had no idea what Amy would say. For someone who tended to be more than forthcoming with what she felt and did, Amy’s actions could sometimes be a mystery to the man. He knew that he loved her dearly, and that she loved him, but sometimes he didn’t know whether his choices were the right ones for the occasion.

However, one Rory knew well was that if he said something that Amy disagreed with or found unpleasant in any way, she’d tell him straight, no pointless beating around the bush. Some people might have found this to be rude, but it was one of the things that Rory loved most about Amy, even though many people in their village thought him to be “whipped” or that Amy was “wearing the pants” in their relationship. Amy was straight-forward, which was one of the things that gave him the confidence to say what he had planned to say all night.

“Amy Pond, will you marry me?”

“Yes, of course, you idiot!”

With a smile of relief covering his face Rory finally pulled the small velvet box from his pocket, pulled out the small engagement ring and slid it on Amy’s left ring finger. After the ring was securely on, Amy pulled on the lapels of Rory’s suit jacket to the middle of the table to place a kiss on his lips.

“Honestly, I don’t know why you were so nervous,” she said, a bit breathless after the kiss. "There was no way I was about to say no."

“Well, marriage proposals are the things to be nervous about, aren’t they? I mean, I didn’t know how this would go.”

“Rory, I love you.” Amy said, firmly but with a small smile on her face. “We practically act like a married couple already, no reason not to make it a bit more official.”

With that, Amy went back to her food and wine with Rory finally able to enjoy his dinner, with the ‘yes’ he had been hoping for.
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