Stargate -- An Apple a Day -- Day 2

Dec 23, 2006 01:16

loosely based on wtf27, prompt 003: Transformation (inanimate)
little damn table

also written for au100, prompt 027: Parents
half-sized damn table

This is a crossover fic, Stargate SG-1/Others. Full list (to date) can be found here.

Day 1

"Do you have any Crimson Chin comic books?"

An Apple a Day: Day 2 | Prompt 003: Transformation (inanimate) | G | 917 words | 2 of 20

Daniel glared at the little boy standing in the corner of his office and the kid stopped fidgeting. Daniel sighed; how had he gotten roped into babysitting? Oh, wait, Jack had asked him, and how could he say no? The boy started squirming again, and Daniel shook his head ruefully. “Would you like a book or something?” he asked, but the boy wrinkled up his nose in disgust.

“I don’t read books,” he said dismissively, and the pair of pink and green balloons he was holding seemed to bob in agreement despite the lack of air currents in the room. “Do you have any Crimson Chin comic books?”

“Never heard of that one,” Daniel said, and the boy looked shocked.

“But he’s the greatest!” the boy said, launching into a set of praises that only a comic book lover could understand. Daniel’s eyes glazed over as he stared at the kid, who had large, prominent front teeth and a pink baseball cap.

“Hold on,” Daniel interrupted when he couldn’t take any more of it. “Jack might have left something here.” He ducked behind the desk to search in one of the bottom drawers, and came up a few minutes later with a handful of Superman comics. Daniel fondly remembered taking them from Jack when he’d caught the older man tucking them inside a report so he could read them during briefings. “Here, you can read these.” The boy scurried over, leaving his pink lunchbox and green backpack on the office’s couch, took the comic books, and scurried back to sit by his things. Oddly, the balloons were gone. Come to think of it, the boy hadn’t had them, or the backpack and lunchbox, when he’d come through the ‘gate that morning; he’d been carrying a pink baseball bat and green mitt.

Daniel pondered this inconsistency while he watched the boy flip through the first comic book. “Well, this is cool, but I wish I had a Crimson Chin comic book,” he said with emphasis. The pile of comic books seemed to shimmer, and he picked up the next one. “Cool, you do have Crimson Chin comic books!” he said, happily settling down to read it.

Daniel was about to ask how the kid had done it when the phone rang. “Jackson,” he said upon picking it up. He listened for a moment, and then nodded and hung up. “I’ve got to go to the ‘gateroom,” he said, standing up. “Will you be alright here by yourself?” he asked. The boy nodded and Daniel hurried out of the lab.


“They’re an hour late checking in,” Walter finished as Daniel skidded into the control room.

“Try to make contact,” the General said. “SG-1, you’ll go through with SG-3 if there's anything wrong.”

“Who is it this time?” Daniel whispered to Jack as Walter began the dialing sequence.


Daniel watched as the ‘gate engaged, a part of him still in awe of it. “SG-5. This is General Hammond,” he said into the microphone. “Do you copy.”

“Good to hear your voice, sir,” Major Cunha’s voice said, and everyone in the ‘gateroom released a relieved breath. The MALP camera panned to the left and the team appeared on the screen, all looking fine. “When the ‘gate wouldn’t connect, we’d gotten worried. We dialed the Alpha Site,” he added, “but they couldn’t reach you, either. Is everything alright over there?”

“Not quite, Major,” Hammond said. “Take your team to the Alpha Site, and tell Colonel Stell to contact all teams offworld and recall them to the Alpha Site until further notice.”

“Yes, sir,” Cunha said, saluting. “Good luck, sir.”

“I think we’ll need it,” he said as the transmission ended and the ‘gate shut down. “Major Carter, I need this fixed. Now.”


Daniel returned to his office to find it in a state of chaos. Random objects were flying through the air, seemingly without cause, and the boy was sitting on the couch laughing. A pink toilet and a green pail were hovering in the air over his head. “What is going on?!” Daniel yelled. The objects flying through the air - an apple, a glove, a tiny piano, a bouquet of flowers - turned into some of the reference books from the shelves and fell to the floor with soft thumping noises. The toilet and pail turned into two small people, a woman with pink hair and a man with green. They both had wings and tiny crowns, and were holding what looked suspiciously like magic wands. “And who are they?”

“I’m Cosmo,” the male one said.

“And I’m Wanda,” the female one added. “And we’re - ”

“Timmy’s fairy godparents!” they finished together.

“They were playing a game,” Timmy said.

“What kind of game involves throwing around the stuff on my shelves?” Daniel asked incredulously. Why did anything surprise him anymore?

“This kind!” Cosmo said. “Magic fight!” He waved his wand and Wanda turned into a computer mouse, wand hovering next to her. It moved and Cosmo turned into a chair. Cosmo waved his wand, missed, and Daniel turned into a coffee cup.

“I want to go home,” Daniel said, and proceeded to be turned into a refrigerator, a television set, and a garbage can in quick succession. “Enough!” he yelled, and everything again returned to normal. “Just...take the comic books and go to your quarters. You can do whatever you want when you’re there.” He collapsed into his chair, watching the boy and his...whatever they were go. “I have a headache.”

Feedback is better than chocolate

Day 3

fanfic - stargate - an apple a day, fanfic - stargate - au100, fanfic - stargate - wtf27, fanfic - stargate

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