Big thank you!

Aug 05, 2009 10:04

LJ was down for me yesterday when I finally staggered in from the airport but now all seems well and I can post my big thank yous to everyone who made it such a fantastic con. You all did a wonderful job of making it a memorable few days ( Read more... )

thanks, 2009

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Comments 5

slaymesoftly August 5 2009, 11:54:41 UTC
It was such a treat to meet you in person and get to spend so much time with you. I hope you recover quickly and your poor body falls back into the "right" time zone easily. :)


lilachigh August 5 2009, 13:32:46 UTC
Thank you! So far I feel like a washed out rag, but I'm sure that will vanish in a couple of days! It was so great to meet you and thank you for making my con such a fun time. Oh, you missed the kerfuffle in Barb's last session, by the way! That's what happens when you leave early.....


slaymesoftly August 5 2009, 14:58:47 UTC
*nods* I gathered from her comments on lj that something went on, but so far have seen no explanation for it. Feel free to e mail me and fill me in! LOL


texanfan August 5 2009, 14:24:50 UTC
It was a pleasure meeting you and chatting, I'm so glad you made it.


xionin August 6 2009, 14:51:59 UTC
i'd totally forgotten that MoA was in Minneapolis until i was in my cab on the way back to the airport. then i kicked myself. lol

hope you have a great time at your next con!


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