Title: Choi Scrooge? Choi Claus? Chapter: 1 (of 2) Pairing: Youngjae/Jaebum Rating: PG Word Count: 6356 Warnings: [Spoiler (click to open)]Spoilers for Rudolph and Frosty as well as kdrama plots in general. Other than that? Major sugary fluff ahead. Youngjae’s not really feeling the whole Christmas thing but still gets roped into helping with a Christmas play, which is
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This reminds me of the time during GGG era when they were practically fetuses and Youngjae said in an interview that he wanted to watch Frozen because it was all the rage that time. Excuse my randomness. Ngl when I read the title I thought Youngjae was gonna have a more grumpy attitude towards Christmas. Soohyun is a cute dumpling asking for a hug and I loved that part with Mama choi and Youngjae fussing about what to wear.
Oh oh and this bit "Less than ten minutes later, Youngjae’s crying." I cackled at this part. xD
I don't remember that particular instance but I do remember an AmeriThaiKong segment and Bambam started singing "Let It Go" and saying that he just watched it the night before lol. I'm pretty sure all the kpop stars covering "Let It Go" made me go out and rent the movie because I'm like what is this movie??
(I like randomness, so no apologies necessary.)
I'm horrible @ coming up with titles truthfully.
Mama Choi is the best ;-D
Hahahaha yeah Frosty is sad yo!
thanks for commenting. it totally made me smile *hugs*
Comments 2
Oh oh and this bit "Less than ten minutes later, Youngjae’s crying." I cackled at this part. xD
(I like randomness, so no apologies necessary.)
I'm horrible @ coming up with titles truthfully.
Mama Choi is the best ;-D
Hahahaha yeah Frosty is sad yo!
thanks for commenting. it totally made me smile *hugs*
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