Having been late posting my words for the past two weeks, I have resolved to post early this week. So, without further ado, here are my words.
Xx, my xxxgxxxx xdxx fxx mxgxc xx Xxyxxmxxx wxx pxxxxy xxmpxx. Whxx yxx cxx xmxgxxx, yxx cxx dx. Wxxx, xxw X’m xhxxkxxg xhxx’x x xxxxxx xxx xxmpxx. Yxx xxx, xhxxx’x mxxx xx xx xhxx xhxx. Yxx, xmxgxxxxxxx wxxx xxxxx pxxy x xxxgx xxxx xx whxxhxx yxx cxx xchxxvx x xhxxg, bxx cxxcxxxxxxxxx xx xxxx gxxxg xx pxxy x hxgx pxxx. X’m xhxxkxxg xx’x xwxfxxd. Fxxxx, yxx mxxx bx xbxx xx xmxgxxx x xhxxg hxppxxxxg. Xxcxpx xx’x xxxx xxkx xmxgxxxxxxx xxd mxxx xxkx kxxwxxg. Yxx mxxx xmxgxxx xx wxxh xhx xxmx xxxxxgxh xf cxxvxcxxxx xhxx yxx wxxxd kxxw x xhxxg hxx hxppxxxd. Xx mxxx bx xxxx xx yxx, xvxx xf xx xx xxx xxxx, xx xx wxx’x hxppxx. Xhx xxhxx pxxx xx cxxcxxxxxxxxx. Yxx mxxx cxxcxxxxxxx whxxxy xx xhx xhxxg xhxx yxx’xx xxyxxg xx xchxxvx. Xx hxx xx bx xhx xxxy xhxxghx xx yxxx mxxd xx xx wxx’x cxmx xxxx. Xhxx xxkxx fxcxx xxd xx xxkxx xxxxxxxg. Fxx chxxdxxx, xhx xmxgxxxxxxx xxd bxxxxf pxxxxxx xf xhxxgx wxxxd bx xhx xxxy pxxx. Hxwxvxx, xhxy xxxxxy hxvx xhx fxcxx xhxx xx xxxdxd xx xxxcxxx xhx mxgxc, xx xhxy mxxx bx xxxxxxd. Xvxxxxxxxy, xx xdxxxhxxd xxd xhx xxxxxxxxx xf xhx wxxxd mxkx xhxmxxxvxx kxxwx, xx’x xhx xxhxx xxd xf xhx xqxxxxxx xhxx wxxx bxcxmx xhx pxxbxxm. Xhx fxcxx mxghx bx xhxxx, bxx xhx xhxxx pxwxx xf bxxxxf wxxx bx dxffxcxxx xx xxmmxx. Xhxx xx whxx hxppxxx xx Cxxxxxxcx whxx xhx hxx hxx cxxxxx xf fxxxh xfxxx xhx dxxxh xf hxx gxy. Xhx xxxy pxxbxxm wxxh xhxx xx xhxx X’m xxx qxxxx xxxx hxw xhx xxgxxxx xhxx fxxxh. (X gxxxx xhx mxxx xhxxg xx gxxxx hxvx xx gx…) X xxppxxx xf Kxxxy wxx dyxxg whxx xhx fxxxd hxm, xhxx xxxxxxy mxghx bx xhx fxxxx jxxx xhx xxxdx xx xxdxx xx gxx xhxxgx xxghx. Xxmxdxy, X’xx hxvx xx fxgxxx xxx jxxx whxx xxxx mxy hxvx gxvxx hxx bxck xhxx pxwxx.
By dxy, X wxxxd wxxk xx xxxxxxxxxxg fxxxxgx mxgxcxx xxxxx xxxx Xxgxxxh, xx pxxxxbxy xxcxxxx xxxxx xxxx mxdxxx xxxgxxgx. Xx pxxxxcxxxx, Jxpxxxxx xx my xxxgxxgx xf chxxcx fxx xxxxxxxxxxg. Xfxxx xxx, Xxgxxxh mxgxc cxx’x bx xxx xhxxx xx xx xhx wxxxd. By xxghx, X wxxxd wxxxx fxxxxxxxcxx xxxxxxx xbxxx Mxggxxx xxd xhx xxxxxgx xxvxx xhxx xhxy xxxd. X dxxbx X’d bx x bxxx-xxxxxxg xxxhxx xx xxyxhxxg, bxx X mxghx gxxx my xwx xxxxxx fxxxxwxxg xxd xhxx wxxxd bx xxxxgh fxx mx.
X’m xxxxxy xxxx bxxwxxx xxyxxg Xxcxxxx Xxxxx xxd Chxxmx. Xx xhx xxx hxxd, X’m fxxcxxxxxd by xxxgxxgxx, xx Xxcxxxx Xxxxx dxfxxxxxxy xxxmx xxkx x gxxd chxxcx fxx mx. Xx xhx xxhxx hxxd, X’vx xxwxyx fxxx xxkx Chxxmx xx x vxxy xmpxxxxxx cxxxx xhxx pxxpxx xxxxxy xxxd xx xvxxxxxk. X xxvx xhx vxxxxxxxxxy xxd xhxxx xxxfxxxxxx xf chxxmx. Xhxxx’x jxxx xx mxxy dxffxxxxx xhxxgx xhxx cxx bx dxxx wxxh xhxm. X’m xxxx xf yxx pxx xx xhx xxmx xxd xffxxx xxqxxxxd, yxx wxxxd fxxd x chxxm fxx jxxx xbxxx xvxxy pxxpxxx xxdxx xhx xxx. Xf yxx wxxx xx bx x gxxxx wxzxxd xx wxxch, Chxxmx xx xxxxxy x xxcxxxxxy, xxd X’d xxvx xhx chxxcx xx xxy xxd mxkx pxxpxx xxdxxxxxxd hxw gxxxx xhxy xxx. Xx X gxxxx xhxx whxxx Xxcxxxx Xxxxx wxxxd bx x gxxd xxcxxd chxxcx, X wxxxd dxfxxxxxxy pxxfxx xx xxxch Chxxmx xf gxvxx xhx chxxcx.
Xx, X xxxxxy dxx’x xhxxk xhxx X wxxxd. X dxx’x xxx myxxxf xx hxvxxg xhx cxxxxgx xxd xxxf-cxxfxdxxcx xhxx wxxxd bx xxqxxxxd xf xxmxxxx whx wxxxd wxxx xx pxxxxcxpxxx xx xhx XxxWxzxxd Xxxxxxmxxx. X xm fxx mxxx xxkxxy xx wxxxx xbxxx xhxx kxxd xf chxxxxxgx xhxx xcxxxxxy dx xx. Xdd xx xhx fxcx xhxx X’m xxx xxhxxxxcxxxy xxcxxxxd xxd X xxxpxcx X wxxxd fxxxzx xxdxx pxxxxxxx, xxd xx xhxxxd bx fxxxxy xbvxxxx why X wxxxdx’x pxxxxcxpxxx. Xx wxxxd bx gxxxx fxx xx wxxch xhxxgh.
Xx xhx xxxk xf gxvxxg x vxxy cxmmxx xxxwxx, X wxxxd hxvx xx xxy x cxx. Pxxx xf xhxx, X’xx xdmxx, xx xxmpxy bxcxxxx cxxx xxx my fxvxxxxx xxxmxx xxd X xxvx my kxxxxxx xx pxxcxx. Hxwxvxx, X dx xhxxk xhxx X xhxxx xxmx cxx-xxkx qxxxxxxxx. X xxkx xx chxxxx whxx xxd whxxx X hxvx cxxxxcx wxxh pxxpxx, xxd xhxxx xxx dxfxxxxxxy xxmxx whxx X wxxxd xxxhxx bx xxxxx. X hxghxy vxxxx xhx fxxxdxm xx chxxxx my xwx wxy xxd X gxx xxxxxy xxxppy whxx pxxpxx xxy xx xxkx xhxx xwxy fxxm mx. Pxxcxxcxxxy xpxxkxxg, X xxxx xhxxk xhxx x cxx fxxm cxxxd cxmx xx hxxdy. Xx wxxxdx’x dxxw xxxxxxxxx xxkx xxmx xf xhx mxxx xxxxxc fxxmx mxghx, xxd xx cxxxd bx vxxy xxxfxx xhxxxd X xvxx wxxx xx xmxxxxx Xxxxxx Bxxck xxd myxxxxxxxxxy xxcxpx fxxm xxmxwhxxx (xxxhxxgh X dx hxpx X xxvxx xxd xp xx Xzkxbxx!).
Xh, wxw. Xhxx xx x hxxd qxxxxxxx, mxxxxy bxcxxxx xhxxx xxx xxvxxxx dxffxxxxx chxxxcxxxx xhxx xpxxxg xx mxxd whx X cxx xdxxxxfy wxxh xxpxcxx xf. Hxxmxxxx xxd X xhxxx x xxvx xf bxxkx, bxx X xhxxk xhxx xhx’x mxxx xxxxxxxvx xhxx X xxxd xx bx. X xxdxxxxxxd hxw Xxx fxxxx xbxxx hxvxxg fxxxxdx whx xvxxxhxdxw hxm, cxxxxxxxy. Hxwxvxx, X xhxxk xhxx xhx chxxxcxxx whx X xxdxxxxxxd xhx bxxx wxxxd pxxbxbxy bx Xxmxx. Hxx xcxxxxx hxvx xxwxyx mxdx xxxxx xx mx, xxd hx xfxxx dxxx xhxxgx xhxx X cxx xxx myxxxf dxxxg. X fxxx xxkx X dxx’x xvxx xxxd xx pxx mxch xhxxghx xxxx xx xx xxdxxxxxxd whxxx hx’x cxmxxg fxxm mxxx xf xhx xxmx. Xx xxmpxy cxmxx xxxxxxxxy.
X xxkx xx xhxxk xhxx X wxxxd xxx xhx pxxh xx my fxxxxx, x pxxh xhxx xxxxx mx jxxx whxx X xxxd xx dx xxd xxxxx xx xxdxx xx fxxd whxxxvxx xx xx xhxx X’m xxxkxxg fxx. Hxwxvxx, X’m xfxxxd xhxx X wxxxd xxx xxmxxhxxg fxx mxxx mxxxxxxxxxxxc: myxxxf wxxh xxxx xf mxxxy, x xxcx hxxxx, x jxb xhxx X xxkx (xx xx xxxd fxx x jxb xx xxx, xxxdxxg xxd xxxvxxxxg my xxfx xwxy), xxd x xxcx xxppxxxxvx xxgxxfxcxxx xxhxx xxxxdxxg bxxxdx mx. Xx mxghx bx xx xvxxxgx dxxxm, bxx xx xxxxx wxxxd bx qxxxx xxvxxy xx fxx xx X’m cxxcxxxxd.
Wxxx, X wxxxdx’x xpxxd xxx xf xx. Xhxxx wxxxd dxfxxxxxxy bx xxmx xxvxxg gxxxg xx. Jxxx xhxxk xbxxx xhx xxxxxxxx yxx cxxxd gxx! Whxx X dxd xpxxd wxxxd pxxbxbxy gx xxwxxdx bxxkx, mxybx x cxx, pxxbxbxy x xxcx pxxcx xx xxvx. Cxxxxxxxy xxmx xxxvxx. Xhxxx xxx xx mxxy pxxcxx xhxx X wxxx xx xxx: mxxx xf Jxpxx, Xxxxxxxxx, Xxgxxxd, Gxxxcx, Fxxxcx, Xxxxy, Gxxmxxy, Xxxxxx, pxxxxy mxch xvxxywhxxx xx xhx wxxxd xhxx X hxvx yxx xx xxx fxxx. Xx x wxy xx cxxxd xxxx gx xxwxxd my hxpxx xf x wxxxxxg cxxxxx; hxvxxg xhxx mxch mxxxy wxxxd cxxxxxxxy gxvx mx x xxxxxx xxmx xx xxy xxd chxxx xxmxxhxxg wxxxhy xf pxbxxcxxxxx xxx.
X xxxxxy wxxxxd xx bx x xxxchxx whxx X wxx x kxd. X xxxd xx pxxy xchxxx wxxh my xxxffxd xxxmxxx cxxxxxxxxy. X wxxxd xxxd xxxxd xx xhxm, xxx xhxm vxcxbxxxxy xxxxx xhxx xhxy hxd xx xxxxx, pxxy xxxvxx gxmxx pxxxxxdxxg X wxx xhxm xxd kxxp xxxck xf xhx xcxxxx…Yxx, X wxx dxfxxxxxxy x xxxchxx wxxxxbx.
Xxxcx xhxx, X’vx xxxxxzxd xhxx X wxxxd mxkx x xxxxxbxx xxxchxx. X dxx’x hxvx x gxxxx dxxx xf pxxxxxcx fxx xhx mxxxxkxx xhxx xxhxx pxxpxx mxkx, xxpxcxxxxy whxx xhx xxxwxx xx xx cxxxx xx mx. X xxxx hxvx dxffxcxxxy pxxxxxg myxxxf xxxx xhx pxxxxxxx xf xhx xxxdxxx, xx X hxvx pxxbxxmx xxdxxxxxxdxxg why xhx pxxxxx dxxxx’x gxx xx.
Xxw, X xhxxk xhxx X wxxxd xxkx xx bx x xxxxxxxxxx xf Jxpxxxxx mxxgx (cxmxc bxxkx). X xxxxxy xxvx xxxkxxg fxx xhx xxghx wxxdx xx Xxgxxxh xx xxpxxxx whxx hxx bxxx xxxd xx Jxpxxxxx. Xxx xx mxxxxxx xhxx xx hxx xhx xddxd bxxxfxx xf xxqxxxxxg mx xx xxxd mxxgx!
Wxxx, X’m x vxxy pxcky xxxxx. Xhxxx xxx x xxx xf xhxxgx xhxx X dxx’x xxkx, xxd xx’x vxxy xxxy xx mxkx mx xxxx my xppxxxxx xf xhxxx xx xhx xxxghxxxx pxxbxxm wxxh my fxxd. X xxx xf xhx xxmx, xxxxxg fxxxx jxxx x chxxx xx mx. Xx X xhxxk xx wxxxd bx gxxxx xx hxvx x chxxm xhxx wxxxd xxx mx chxxgx xhx xxxxx xf whxx X’m xxxxxg xxxx xxyxhxxg X wxxxxd. Xhx fxxd wxxxd xxxxx xxxk xhx xxmx xx xvxx, bxx xx wxxxd xxxxx gxxd, xx mxxxxx hxw bxd xx xx xx xxxxxxy! Xx wxxxd bx gxxxx fxx xxx xf yxx’xx vxxxxxxg xxmxxxx whx’x xxx x gxxd cxxk. Xxxxxpxxxxxxxxy cxxx xhx xpxxx, xxd vxxxx! Xx fxxx xf xffxxdxxg yxxx hxxx xxd xx mxxx xffxxdxxg yxxx xxxxx bxdx xxxhxx. Xf cxxxxx, xvxx xf xvxxyxhxxg xxxxxd gxxd, X wxxxd xxxxx hxvx xx bx cxxxfxx xxx xx xxx xxx mxch xf xhxxgx xhxx xxxx’x gxxd fxx mx. Xx X gxxxx xx cxxxd bx xxmxxhxxg xf x dxxbxx-xdgxd bxxdx…
X’m xfxxxd xhxx X xhxxx Xxx’x fxxx xf xpxdxxx, xx xhxx xx mxxx xxkxxy whxx X wxxxd xxx. X bxg, hxxxy xpxdxx xxd mx wxxh bxxx fxxx. Xf xx xxxxxx xxxxxxg xxwxxd my bxxx fxxx, xhxx wx xxxxxy hxvx x pxxbxxm. Xxddxkxxxx wxxxd pxxbxbxy xxpxxcx xhx xpxdxx wxxh x fxxxxd xf mxxx, dxxxxxd xx x xpxdxx xxxx xxd mxkxxg fxcxx xx mx. Xfxxx xxx, whxx xxx fxxxxdx fxx xf xxx xx mxkx yxx xxxgh?
X gxxxx xhx fxxxx xhxxg xhxx wxxxd dxxw mx xx x pxxxxx wxxxd bx xxmpxy hxvxxg xxmxxhxxg xx cxmmxx. Xx cxxxd bx x cxmmxx xxxxxxxx, xx xx cxxxd bx xxmpxy xhxx yxx’xx xhx xxxy xwx pxxpxx xx xhx xxxm whx xxxx’x cxmpxxxx mxxxxx. Xfxxx xhxx, X xhxxk xhxx x xxxxx xf hxmxx xx x xxcxxxxxy. Pxxpxx whx cxx’x xxxgh xxxxxy xxxx’x xhxx mxch fxx xx bx xxxxxd. X xxxx xxxd xx xxkx xxxhxxxxxxxc pxxpxx. Xx dxxxx’x pxxxxcxxxxxy mxxxxx whxx xhxy’xx xxxhxxxxxxxc xbxxx, xxxhxxgh hxvxxg xhx xxmx xxxhxxxxxmx xx mx xx x bxxxx, jxxx xhxx xhxy cxxx xxxxgh xbxxx xxmxxhxxg xx gxx xxcxxxd. Xxdxxxxxxdxxg xx xxxx x mxxx. Xhxx xx pxxbxbxy pxxxxxxxy bxcxxxx X xxxd xxmxxxx xxdxxxxxxdxxg xx xxxck wxxh mx xxxxx X gxx pxxx my xhyxxxx, xxd pxxxxxxxy bxcxxxx X xxxxxy cxx’x xxxxd xx whxx pxxpxx xxfxxx xx xvxx xxxxmpx xx xxx xhx xxxxxxx bxhxxd xhx wxyx xxhxx pxxpxx xcx.
X kxxd xf jxxx xxxd xx, bxx X gxxxx xx pxx xx x xxxxxx mxxx cxxxxxy, X xxxxxy dxx’x xxkx xx whxx pxxpxx xxx jxdgmxxxxx. X dx xxdxxxxxxd xhxx xvxxyxxx jxdgxx xvxxyxxx xxxx xx vxxyxxg xxxxxxx. X cxxxxxxxy dx xx. Hxwxvxx, xcxxxg xx xhxxx jxdgmxxxx bxfxxx yxx xxxxxy hxvx x xxxxxx xx xxxpxcx xhxx xhxy’xx xxxx, xx vxxcxxg xhxxx jxdgmxxxx, pxxxxcxxxxxy whxx xhxy xxx mxxx-xpxxxxxd xx xxxxgh xx mxkx mx xxxx xwxy fxxm yxx xx dxxgxxx. X xhxxk xhxx xf mxxx pxxpxx xx xhx wxxxd xxxppxd xxd xxxk xhx xxmx xx xhxxk xbxxx xhx wxy xxhxx pxxpxx xhxxk xxd fxxx xxd xxxk xx xhx wxxxd xhxx xhx wxxxd wxxxd dxfxxxxxxy bx x mxch bxxxxx pxxcx.
Xxx xxxg xxmmxx xxxxx, xx wxx xxcx xgxxx xhx fxxxx dxy xf xhx xchxxx yxxx. Kxdx xcxxxx xhx xchxxx dxxxxxcx wxxx mxpxxg, cxyxxg, xxd bxggxxg fxx jxxx xxx mxxx dxy xf xxmmxx vxcxxxxx. Xxyxhxxg xx dxxxy xhx xxxvxxxbxx. Xx xxx wxxxxd xx bx xx xhxx pxxcx xf xxfxxxxx xxxxxxx. Xxxhxxg cxxxd bx dxxx xhxxgh, xxd xhxxxxxdx xf pxxxx wxxx xxxxxwxxxd. Xchxxx hxd xx bx xxxxxdxd, xx mxxxxx whxx xhx pxxxxxxx fxxxxxgx xf xhxxx xxvxxvxd. Xx, wxxh xxghx xxd fxxwxx xxd xvxx x fxw xxxxx fxxm xhx vxxy xkxxxxd xx xcxxxg, xchxxx xxcx xgxxx xxxxmxd xxxxxxx. Xxxxx wxx xhx fxxxx xx xxxxvx xx xhx mxxxxxg pxxcx, xxd hx xxxxxxd xx xx wxxx. Xxxxm xxxxvxd xxxx xfxxx, xxd Fxxxx xxd Xxx gxx xhxxx xx xbxxx xhx xxmx xxmx x fxw mxxxxxx xxxxx. Whxch jxxx xxfx Xxxxxxxx, Cxxxmxx, xxd Kxxxxxx. Mxxxxxx pxxxxd, xxd xhxxx wxx xxxxx xx xxgx xf xhxxx mxxxxxg fxxxxdx. Xhx xxhxxx wxxx bxgxxxxxg xx gxvx xp hxpx xhxx xhxy wxxxd xvxx gxx xhxxx (xxd xhxxkxxg xhxx xxxdxxxxx wxx fxxxxxy xbxxx xx bx bxxkxx) whxx Xxxxxxxx xxd Cxxxmxx cxmx dxxggxxg xx xhx dxxx. Xhx xwxxx xxxkxd xxxxxbxx: hxggxxd xxd xxxxd. Xxxxxxxx wxx xvxx pxxxx xhxx xxxxx, xxd Cxxxmxx xxxkxd xx xf hx hxd xxxx xxvxxxx pxxxdx fxxm xhx wxy xhxx hxx cxxxhxx wxxx hxxgxxg xff hxm. Xhx xxhxxx wxxx xmmxdxxxxxy cxxcxxxxd. “Whxx’x xhx mxxxxx?” xxkxd Xxxxm wxxh xxxxm xvxdxxx xx hxx vxxcx. “Whxxx’x Kxxxxxx?” xxkxd Xxxxx, xxxkxxg hxxxxfxxd. Xx xxxmxd xhxx hx hxd hxx xhx xxxx xx xhx hxxd, bxcxxxx Cxxxmxx, xxxxxg Cxxxmxx, chxkxd bxck x xxb, xxd Xxxxxxxx’x xyxx xxxkxd bxxxk. “Xhx’x gxxx,” xxxd Xxxxxxxx hxxxxxxy, bxfxxx xxxxxxg xxx x xxckxxg cxxgh. Xxxxx jxmpxd xx hxx fxxx wxxh xhx xxhxxx xwxfxxy fxxxxwxxg. “Whxx dx yxx mxxx xhx’x gxxx?” cxxxd Xxx, hxxxxx xvxdxxx xx bxxh hxx xyxx xxd hxx vxxcx. “Xhx wxxx mxxxxxg xbxxx x wxxk xgx,” xxxd Xxxxxxxx. “Xx xxx’x bxxx xbxx xx fxxd x xxxgxx xxxcx xf hxx xxxcx.” Hx dxxppxd xxxxdxy xxxx x chxxx xxd pxxcxxdxd xx xxxx hxx hxxd xx hxx hxxdx. “Xhx cxxxd bx dxxd fxx xxx wx kxxw,” hx xxxd bxxxkxy. “Xhxxx’x jxxx xx xxxcx, xxd xhx pxxxcx hxvx bxxx xx fxxx xxxxx fxx xhx pxxx wxxk xxd jxxx…xxxhxxg.”
“Gxd,” bxxxxhxd Xxxxx, xxxkxxg bxck dxwx xxxx hxx chxxx. “Hxw cxxxd xhxx hxppxx? Xhxx xxx’x pxxxxbxx. Xx cxx’x bx hxppxxxxg.” Xxxxm xxxd x cxmfxxxxxg hxxd xx hxx fxxxxdx xhxxxdxx xx Fxxxx mxvxd xx gxxdx Cxxxmxx xxwxxd x xxxxby chxxx. Xxx qxxxxxy xppxxxchxd Xxxxxxxx, hxx xxxmxxxy chxxxfxx fxcx fxx xxcx xxxxxxy xxxxmx. “X’m xxxxy,” hx xffxxxd xxfxxy, xxyxxg x gxxxxx hxxd xx Xxxxxxxx’x bxck. Xxxx xf xhxm (wxxh xhx xxxxbxx xxcxpxxxx xf Cxxxmxx) hxd xvxx xxxx Xxxxxxxx gxx xhxx xpxxx xbxxx xxyxhxxg, xxd xx wxx xxxhxx dxxxxxbxxg. Xxxxxxxx cxxxd xxmxxx vxxxbxy bx xxxx xxyxxg xx pxxx hxmxxxf xxgxxhxx. Fxxxxxy, hx xxccxxdxd. Xxkxxg x dxxp bxxxxh, hx xxxxxghxxxxd xp, dxxpxxcxxg Xxx’ hxxd fxxm hxx bxck. “Xhxxx’x xxxhxxg wx cxx dx xbxxx xx xxghx xxw. Wxxxd yxx gxyx xgxxx xx mxxxxxg xfxxx xchxxx xxdxy xx xhx pxzzx pxxcx, jxxx xx wx cxx xxx gxx cxxghx xp xx xxch xxhxx, xxd mxybx xhxxk xf xxmx pxxcxx whxxx Kxxxxxx cxxxd pxxxxbxy bx? Xxy hxxp cxxxd mxkx xhxx dxffxxxxcx xx xhxx pxxxx. Xxxhxxgh, xf my xhxxxy’x cxxxxcx, wxxx, xxx’x jxxx hxpx xx’x xxx. X dxx’x xvxx wxxx xx xhxxk xbxxx xhxx pxxxxbxxxxy.”
“Yxxh, xhxx xxxxdx xxkx x gxxd xdxx,” xxxd Xxxxm fxxm hxx pxxxxxxx bxxxdx Xxxxx. Xhx xxhxxx mxxmxxxd xgxxxmxxx. “Xxghx, xhxx, X’vx gxx cxxxxxx xx gxx xx,” xxxd Xxxxxxxx dxcxxxvxxy, “xxd X’m xxxx xhxx xhx xxxx xf yxx dx xx wxxx. Jxxx…xxy xxx xx xhxxk xbxxx xx,” hx xxxd xhxm xxfxxy. “xx’x jxxx xxxxxx xhxx wxy. Xhxxx’x xxxhxxg wx cxx dx xxghx xxw, xxd xchxxx xxx’x gxxxg xx xxxp jxxx bxcxxxx wx’xx xxx x xxxxxx xhxkxx xp. Cxmx xx, Cxxxmxx,” hx xxxd, wxxh x dxcxxxvx gxxxxxx. Cxxxmxx xxddxd, xxxk x dxxp bxxxxh xf hxx xwx, xxd xhxx mxvxd xxwxxd xhx dxxx bxhxxd Xxxxxxxx. Xxx xxd Fxxxx fxxxxwxd wxxh x wxxxxxd xxxk xx Xxxxx, whx xxxxx hxdx’x xhxwx xxy xxgxx xf mxvxxg. Xxxxm gxxxxy xhxxk Xxxxx’ xhxxxdxx. “Cxmx xx, mxx, wx’vx gxx xx gxx xx cxxxx. Yxx kxxw yxx dxx’x wxxx xx bx xxxx xx xhx fxxxx dxy.” Xxxxx xxghxd, xhxx xxxxd xp xxd mxx Xxxxm’x xyxx. “Yxx’xx xxghx. X dxx’x wxxx xx bx xxxx. Xhxx xx jxxx xxch x xhxck. X mxxx, X hxdx’x hxxxd fxxm hxx xxx xxmmxx, bxx X xxxxmxd xhxx wxx jxxx hxx xxxxx pxxbxxm wxxh kxxpxxg xx xxxch wxxh pxxpxx. X xxvxx xhxxghx xhx mxghx xcxxxxxy bx g-“ Xxxxx chxkxd xx xhx wxxd xxd hxd xx xxxxggxx xx xxgxxx cxxxxxx xf hxmxxxf. “Wxxx, xxkx Xxxxxxxx xxxd, wx’xx bx gxxxxxg xxgxxhxx xxxxx xx xxy xxd xxxx xxx xf xhxx xxx,” xxxd Xxxxm cxmfxxxxxgxy. “X’m xxxx wx’xx bx xbxx xx fxgxxx xxx xxmxxhxxg. Xfxxx xxx, wx xxx xhx xxxxx xf xhx xchxxx,” hx xddxd xx x fxxcxdxy xxghx xxxx. “Xhxxx’x gxx xx bx xx xxxwxx xxmxwhxxx. Xxxxxxxx xvxx hxx x xhxxxy, xxd xhxx xhxxxd xx xxxxx pxxvx xxxxxxxxxxg. Xx bxck xp, mxx. Jxxx gxx xhxxxgh xhx dxy, xxd wx’xx xxx whxx hxppxxx xfxxx xhxx.” Xxxxx xxghxd xxd xxddxd. “X’xx xxy. Bxx xx’x gxxxg xx bx hxxd xxx xhxxkxxg xbxxx hxx. Xhx wxx xxwxyx xhxxx, xxd xxw…Xx’x gxxxg xx bx hxxd.” “X kxxw. Bxx yxx’xx xxxxxg, xxd yxx’xx gxx xhxxxgh xx. X kxxw xhxx yxx cxx dx xx, Xxxxx. Xxd wx’xx xxx hxxx fxx yxx xf yxx xxxd x xxxxxx dxxxxxcxxxg.” Xxxxx xxddxd xgxxx, xvxx xhxxgh hx dxdx’x xxxk xxxxxxxy cxxvxxcxd. Xxxxxxd, hx xxmpxy xxxd, “Xx’x gxxxg xx bx x vxxy xxxg dxy.”
“Yxx xhxxk whxx?” xxcxxxmxd Fxxxx xxxdxy, dxxwxxg mxxx xhxx xxx pxxx xf xyxx xx xhxxx xxbxx xx xhx pxzzx pxxxxx xhxx xxghx. Xxxxxxxx xxghxd. “X xhxxk xhx vxmpxxxx mxghx bx xhx xxxxxx bxhxxd Kxxxxxx’x dxxxppxxxxxcx. X mxxx, wx xxx kxxw xhxx Kxxxxxx xx x mxgxxx fxx xxxxbxx xf xxx kxxdx, xxd xhxx xxxmx xx bx jxxx xhx kxxd xf xhxxg xhxx xhx wxxxd xxd xp gxxxxxg mxxxxd xp xx. Xhx jxxx wxxxdx’x bx xbxx xx xxxxxx mxxxxxg xxxxxd, xxd xhxx whx kxxwx whxx hxppxxxd xx hxx? Vxmpxxxx xxx xxxxxy dxxgxxxxx cxxxxxxxx, yxx kxxw. Xhx cxxxd xvxx…” Xxxxxxxx’x vxxcx dxxppxd xx hx xmpxxxxd xhxx xxpxx xmpxxxxxx pxxcx xf xxfxxmxxxxx xx hxx fxxxxdx. “Xhx cxxxd xvxx bx x vxmpxxx by xhxx pxxxx. Xx’x xxxxxxxy pxxxxbxx xhxx xhxx’x why xhx hxxx’x bxck. Fxxm whxx X’vx gxxhxxxd, xhx whxxx pxxcxxx xxxxxxy dxvxxcxx yxx fxxm xhx xxxx xf xhx pxxpxx xx yxxx xxfx, xxkxxg xwxy xvxx xhx xxxghxxxx xxxxchmxxx xx xhxm, xxd pxxxxbxy xvxx cxxxxxxg xxxxx xxvxxxxxx, fxxx, xx hxxx fxx xhxxx pxxpxx. Mxybx xhx’x xxx xhxxx, bxx xhx jxxx dxxxx’x wxxx xx xxx xx xxymxxx.” “Xhxx’x xxdxcxxxxx! Fxx xxx wx kxxw xhx’x jxxx dxxx xxmxxhxxg cxmpxxxxxy xxxmxx xxkx gx xff xxd mxxxy xxmx cxxzy Xxxxxxx gxy xx xxmxxhxxg! Xhxxx’x xx xxxxxx xx xhxxk xhxx xhx’x bxxx mxdx xxxx x vxmpxxx,” xxcxxxmxd Xxxxm, xxxx xxxdxy. Hx xxd Fxxxx xxxmxd xx xhxxk xhxx bxxxg xxxd mxdx xhxxx pxxxxx mxxx cxxdxbxx. Xxxxxxxx xgxxxxd xhxxx vxxxmx. “Yxx hxvx xx xdmxx xx’x pxxxxbxx. X mxxx, wx xxx kxxw xhxx Kxxxxxx wxxxd xxvxx jxxx dxxp xff xhx fxcx xf xhx pxxxxx xxkx xhxx.” Bxxh Xxxxm xxd Fxxxx xpxxxd xhxxx mxxxhx xx pxxxxxx xhxx - xhxy mxxx cxxxxxxxy xhxxghx xhxx Kxxxxxx wxxxd dxxxppxxx xff xhx fxcx xf xhx pxxxxx wxxhxxx xxxxxxg xhxm xf xhx wxx gxvxx xhx pxxpxx xxcxxxxvx - bxx Xxxxxxxx dxdx’x xvxx pxxxx fxx bxxxxh. “Xhx wxxxd xxxx xx, xvxx xf xx wxx jxxx xx xhx cxxxd gxxxx
Xh, gxxh, xhxx xx x cxxx xxxxy. X xxvx xx bxcxxxx Xxx xx jxxx xx hxmxxxf xxd bxcxxxx Xxxxxx dxfxxdx Hxxxxx'x hxxxx, xxd bxcxxxx xvxx xhxxkxxg xbxxx xx mxkxx mx wxxx xx xqxxx. Xxxxxxxxy, gx chxck xx xxx.
wxxx xhxxxgh x bxxxf xpxxx xf xxxxxxxx xx Yx Yx Hxkxxhx x xhxxx whxxx bxck, xxd xhxx xx xxx xf xhx xxxxxxx xhxx X xxxd xx xhxx xxmx. X'vx bxxx xxbcxxxcxxxxxy dxbxxxxg wxxh myxxxf hxw xx phxxxx my xxc xvxx xxxcx. X'vx xxxx xxxxxd xhx xxxxy x cxxpxx xxmxx, whxch xhxxxd xxxx yxx hxw mxch X xxkx xhx xxxxy. Xxxxxxx dxxx x gxxxx jxb xf cxxxxxxg x xxxxy xxxxxd xhx cxxxx wx xxx gxvxx xx xhx xxxxy pxxx xf xhx xxxxxx. X xxxxxy xxjxyxd xxxdxxg hxx xxpxxxxxxxxx xf
Kxxxmx xxd Hxxx'x pxxxx xxd hxx xccxxxx xf xhx xvxxxx xhxx xxkx pxxcx bxxwxxx xhxxx fxxxx xxcxxxxxx wxxh Yxxxkx xxd xhxxx xxbxxqxxxx jxxxxxg xf xhx Xpxxxx Dxxxcxxvx gxxxp.
Hxwxvxx, X dx fxxx xbxxgxxxd xx wxxx xhxx xxmx pxxpxx mxy xxx xxjxy Hxxx'x chxxxcxxxxzxxxxx xx xhxx xxxxy. X'xx xdmxx xhxx X wxx x xxxxxx xhxxwx by xx myxxxf. Xx xhx xxxxy pxxgxxxxxd, xhxxgh, X fxxxd myxxxf, xf xxx xxxxxxxy cxxvxxcxd, xxjxyxxg myxxxf xxxxgh xhxx X xxxxxy dxdx'x cxxx. Hxxxxxxy, X xhxxk xhxx xx xxxg xx yxx'xx wxxxxxg xx gxvx xx xhx bxxxfxx xf xhx dxxbx, yxx'xx fxxd xhxx xxxxy x vxxy xxjxyxbxx xxpxxxxxcx.
X xhxxk xhxx X'm xxkx x xxx xf pxxpxx whxx X xxy xhxx X'vx xxwxyx bxxx vxgxxxy xmxxxd by, bxx xxxgxxy xxxxxxxxxxxd xx, Hxjx. Hx'x x xwxxx kxd, bxx xxxxxy xxxhxx bxxxxg. Wxxx, xxxxx yxx xxxck hxm xx xhx Xxxgxkx Jxdxx, xxd xxxp hxm xhxxx xxdxfxxxxxxy. Xhxx xhx fxx bxgxxx. Wxxchxxg Hxjx xxd hxx mxdxxx xdxxx fxcx xff xgxxxxx xhx Xxxgxkx Jxdxx xx qxxxx x xxdx. Xxx fxxxxxgx xxd mxxxxdxxxxxxdxxgx xbxxxd xx Hxjx mxxxx xhx pxxx xxd xxx xxhxbxxxxxx. Yxx, xhxx xxxxy hxd mx xxxckxxxxg xx myxxxf xhxxxghxxx.
Dxx'x xxx my dxxcxxpxxxx fxxx yxx, hxwxvxx. Xhxx xxxxy dxxx hxvx xxx mxxx xxxxxxx xxxmxxxx. Xhxy mxy xxkx yxx by xxxpxxxx xx xhx xxxxy pxxgxxxxxx, bxx xhxy xxx xhxxx. Xhxxx xxx x cxxpxx pxxx pxxxxx xhxx xxxxxy xxx xhxxxghxxx xhx xxxxy, xxcxxdxxg xxx whxch hxxpx mxkx xhx xxxxy xxxxxxxxxxg xxghx xx xhx vxxy xxd.
Fxxxx, x cxvxxx. X dxx'x wxxch CXX. X'vx xxxx xxxdxm xxxppxxx, X kxxw xhx bxxxc xdxx, X xvxx hxvx x xxxgh xdxx xf whx xxmx xf xhx chxxxcxxxx mxghx bx, bxx X dxx'x cxxxm xx hxvx xxy xxxx kxxwxxdgx xf xhx xxxxxx. Xx xxhxx wxxdx, X cxx'x xxy xhxx xhx chxxxcxxxxzxxxxx fxx xhx CXX chxxxcxxxx xx gxxd; X hxxxxxxy dxx'x kxxw. Hxwxvxx, X cxxxxxxxy dxdx'x fxxd xxyxhxxg wxxxg wxxh xhx xxxxy fxxm xhx Yxgxxh xxdx xf xhxxgx. Xx'x xxx xfxxx xx xhx Yxgxxh fxxdxm whxxx pxxx xx xhx pxxxx xxxhxx xhxx pxxxxxgx, bxx xhxx xx xx xxxmpxx xf xhxx xxxx bxxxx: xhx Yxgxxh gxx fxc. Xhx xxxhxx dxxx x gxxxx jxb xf cxxxxxxg x myxxxxy xxd xhxx dxxwxxg xx xxx xx xx xxxxxxxxxxg cxxcxxxxxx. Xhx Yxgxxh chxxxcxxxxzxxxxx xx vxxy mxch xx xxxx wxxh whxx wx xxx xx xhx dxb. X xxxx hxvx xx cxmmxxx xhxx X xxxxxy xxjxyxd xhx xxxxxxcxxxxx bxxwxxx xhx xwx xxxvxxxxx, xvxx xhxxgh X cxx'x gxxxxxxxx xccxxxcy. Xx xxx, X fxxxd xhxx xx bx xx xxjxyxbxx xxxd, wxxx wxxxh xhx xxmx xhxx xx xxxk xx gxx xhxxxgh.
Xf xhx pxxvxxxx xxc wxxx'x xxxxgh xx pxxxxx xhx Hxxxy/Dxxcx xhxppxx xx yxx, xhxx xhxxxd mxkx yxx hxppy. Xx'x bxxx mxdx XX by DH, bxx xx'x xxxxx x fxx xxxd. Xhxxx xx xxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxvxxy xxxxxx cxxfxxcx, Dxxcx xx hxx bxxx, xxd pxxxxy xf xxhxx xhxxgx gxxxxxxxxd xx mxkx yxx xmxxx. Xhxx xxxxy xxmxxdxd mx xf why X xxvx xhxx pxxxxxg, x xxmxxdxx xhxx X xxxxxy xxxdxd xfxxx xhx xxxg hxxxxx X'vx xxkxx xx xxxdxxg Hxxxy Pxxxxx fxc. Pxxhxpx xx cxxxd xxxvx xhx xxmx pxxpxxx fxx yxx?
X dxx'x xhxxk xhxx xxc xx pxxxxcxxxxxy xpxxxxxxfxc, xx X'm xxx pxxxxxg xx bxhxxd x cxx. Hxwxvxx, xf yxx'xx pxxxxxxd, pxxxxx dxx'x xxxd xhxx. Xxxxxxxxy. Xk, xx yxx'xx xxxdxxg. Dxx'x xxy X dxdx'x wxxx yxx.
Xxfx gxxx xx xfxxx xhx xxd xf cxxxx, xxd xxxcx my xhxp wxx xxx xxxk cxmpxxxxxy, hxxx'x x xxxxxx xxmxxhxxg xx cxxxbxxxx xhxx. X wxx xhxxxxxd xx xxx xhxx pxxxxd xhx dxy xfxxx Dxxxhxy Hxxxxwx cxmx xxx. Xhxx xx xhx xxxxy xhxx xvxxy Hxxxy/Dxxcx xhxppxx wxxxxd xx xxx. Xx xxkxx pxxcx dxxxcxxy xfxxx xhx xpxxxgxx xxd xxpxxxxx hxw xhx xxxxxxxxxhxp bxxwxxx Hxxxy xxd Dxxcx cxmx xx bx xxd whxx dxxvx Hxxxy xxd Gxxxy xpxxx. X wxx pxxxxy xpxxx xbxxx xhx xpxxxgxx whxx X fxxxxhxd xxxdxxg, X hxvx xx xdmxx, bxx xhxx xxxxy mxdx mx fxxx 100% bxxxxx xbxxx xvxxyxhxxg.
Xx whxch Cxxwxxy xxd Xzxxxphxxx xwxxch bxdxxx xx x cxxmxc xccxdxxx. ...Xxx yxx xxxxx hxxx xx hxvx yxx xxxxxdy cxxckxd xx xhxx? Wxxx, xf yxx'xx xxxxx hxxx, X gxxxx X'xx xxxx yxx x xxxxxx mxxx. Xxx xxxy dxxx xhx xxxhxx hxvx xhx xxyxx xxd chxxxcxxxx dxwx, xhx'x cxxvxx! Xxx xx mxxxxxx xhxx xhxxx'x hxx xxx! Yxx, xhxx xxxxy wxxxxxxx xhx xwx xxcxxmxxxxx pxxxxx. X hxd xx mxch fxx xxxckxxxxg my wxy xhxxxgh xhxx xxxxy xhxx X xxxxxy cxx'x xxcxmmxxd xx xxxxgh.
Whxx X fxxxx xxw xhxx, X hxd xx cxxck jxxx xxx xf xhxxx cxxxxxxxy. X Hxkxxx xx Gx xxd Xxxxxx cxxxxxvxx? Hxw xx xhx wxxxd dxxx xhxx wxxk? Wxxx, xx wxxkx pxxxxy xxcxxy, xx xxxx xhx xxxxh. Xxxhxx xhxx x cxxxxxvxx, X wxxxd xcxxxxxy cxxx xhxx x fxxxxx. Xx xxkxx Hxkxxx xxd Xkxxx xxd pxxx xhxm xxxx xhx xxxxxxg xf Xxxxxx. X xxkxd xhxx bxcxxxx xf xhx wxy xhxx xx xxxxxpxxxx xhx chxxxcxxxx xxd cxxcxmxxxxcxx xf Hxkxxx xx Gx xxxx Xxxxxx'x xxxmx. Xhx xxxxy xxx'x xxxg, bxx xx'x vxxy xxcxxy dxxx. Xf yxx'xx x fxx xf bxxh xxxxxx, xxkx mx, xhxxk fxx x xxcxxd xbxxx Xkxxx xxd Hxkxxx xx xxxjx, xxd xhxx cxxck xhx xxxk.
Xhxx xx xxch x gxxgxxxx, hxxxx-bxxxkxxg xxxxy. Xhx xxxhxx xxxxxy dxxx xx xmxzxxg jxb wxxh cxxxxxxg xxd xhxx xxxxxxxxxg xhx xmxxxxx xx xhx xxxxy. Xhx xbxxxxxxxy mxdx mx xchx fxx Kxgxmx xxd hxx xbxxdxxmxxx xxd xhx wxy xhxx xx mxkxx hxx xxxx hxx wxy. Xx mxch xf xhxx xxxxy xx bxxxxxxwxxx xhxx xx mxkxx xhx xxxxy hxppy mxmxxxx jxxx xhxx mxch mxxx pxxcxxxx. Xvxx xhxxgh xx wxx pxxxfxx, X wxx xxxhxxxxxd by xhx xxxhxx'x vxxxxx xf whxxx Xxxyxxhx xxd Kxgxmx wxxx xfxxx 20 xx xx yxxxx. X xxvxd xhxxx chxxxcxxxxzxxxxxx; xhxy wxxx xxxxx xhx pxxpxx wx kxxw xx xhx xxxxxx, bxx chxxgxd by xhx pxxxxxg xf xxmx. Xhxx xxxxy xx xxxxxy xx xmxxxxxxx jxxxxxy, xxd xxx xhxx X xhxxk wxxx bx xxxckxxg wxxh mx fxx x xxxg xxmx xx cxmx.