Guinevere Vid - Slow Me Down

Oct 27, 2009 14:21

Yes, 3 vids in less than three weeks - its a miracle! This will probably be the last for awhile though. I made this to show how conflicted Guinevere is over her complicated love life.

Song: Slow me Down
Artist: Emmy Rossum
Pairings: Arthur/Gwen, Gwen/Lancelot
Edited by: Tenfan89(writeangel1)

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show: merlin, lancelot/gwen, fan art: vids, ship: arthur/gwen

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Comments 2

ghanistarkiller October 27 2009, 17:52:58 UTC
Oh my God, that's so beautiful! the choice in song was perfect and the editing was amazingly superb! Sorry, my brain's still not fully functioning because of the awesome so this is kind of ramble-y! I love that it's completely Gwen-centric and uses the ships in that context because I get the feeling so often from fans nowadays that Gwen is kind of a cipher for most people to love this character or that but you focused on her and her internal turmoil and I think that's marvelous! I'm gushing now so I should probably stop, LOL! Loved it!


writeangel1 October 27 2009, 23:09:08 UTC
Thanks so much sweetie!! *hugs* I wish I had the patience to do a full character study vid for gwen - she totally deserves it, but I prefer and am best at editing shipper vids so.....*shrug*


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