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Comments 11

eviinsanemonkey July 21 2009, 20:41:09 UTC

I love the one with his mouth open, makes me think of DPS and a "barbaric yawp"

I'm totes gonna make more icons later XD


writeangel1 July 21 2009, 20:58:05 UTC
lol - that's my favorite pic!

I'm really getting a doctory vibe from these photos and I think I prefer the outfit without the jacket.


eviinsanemonkey July 21 2009, 20:59:18 UTC
I'm totally getting a Doctory vibe, and it's making me very happy (and very excited) and the suspenders make it :)


bellonablack July 21 2009, 20:48:38 UTC
The pic that made you lol made me lol. <3

Like howling at the moon or something! Primal, grrr..XD

The last picture reminds me of MacBeth's witches, only with a sidekick instead of a spellbook.


writeangel1 July 21 2009, 21:01:08 UTC
It's just too cute &hearts

You really should give the show a try - its one of those programs that you either like or dislike. It has a new team behind it now, the same guy who wrote the brilliant episode - 'Blink', with the weeping angels *shudder*.


bellonablack July 21 2009, 22:31:22 UTC
Ohhh, if he's behind it, then I'm so there.

Hmm, on hulu? I will go and search. Any must-see episodes that are just vital to the series?


sunnytyler001 July 21 2009, 21:07:41 UTC
Oh my... the handcuffs. So, maybe River is an evil conwoman, like Jack and the Doctor arrests her (with handcuffs), but then, they talk, become friends and she gets redemption...
.... If that is that way, I might like it. Blimey, I might even ship them! Lol!


writeangel1 July 21 2009, 21:10:45 UTC
As long as moffat doesn't give us a married Doctor straight outta the gate I'm fine. Maybe she'll turn out to be like Lady Christina but less Mary-Sueish because she'll have to prove herself. *is hopeful*


sunnytyler001 July 21 2009, 21:32:53 UTC
That would be great. I would like a character like that!


(The comment has been removed)

writeangel1 July 21 2009, 21:44:13 UTC
:D I'm going to keep you up to date on all things Who....


mememememeee July 24 2009, 20:20:28 UTC
OMFG. I. Can't. Wait.


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