Being Human Friending Meme

Feb 02, 2009 16:08

Because I am severely lacking BH fans on my flist I put together this meme to add a few. Fill it out, pimp it on your journal, and make some shiny new 'Human' friends!
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show: being human, meme

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Comments 250

writeangel1 February 2 2009, 20:34:09 UTC
All About You:
Name: Meca
Age: 20
Something Random: I maintain merlin_tv. I collect pez dispensers and charlie brown figurines. I also have an unhealthy addiction to Flaming Hot cheetos.
Public or FO journal: 70% FO

Being Human
What you love most about the show: EVERYTHING! But mostly the fantastic writing and the chemistry of the cast.
Favorite character: I cant seperate the, probably Mitchel. What can I say? He's hot and I'm shallow. :D
Least fave character(s): Lauren? She's a necesary evil.
Favorite Pairing(s): OT3.....that is all. Annie/Mitchell/George all the way. &hearts
Pimp a Comm BH fans should join: vamp_n_ghost(mitchell/annie) and beinghuman_meta

Other Fandoms
Favorite Shows: Dr. Who, 24,Survivors, Merlin, Horatio Hornblower, The West Wing, Dexter, Big Love, Skins, Period Dramas, Ugly Betty, Lost, Private Practice, Psych, How I Met Your Mother, NCIS.
Favorite Characters: The Doctor, Jack Bauer, Arthur, Josh Lyman, Dexter Morgan, Burton Guster, Shawn Spencer.
Favorite Pairings: The Doctor/Everyone, Arthur/Gwen, Josh/Donna, Dexter/Rita, ( ... )


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writeangel1 February 2 2009, 22:58:35 UTC
Ross Jenkins! &hearts Icons like this make me wish for a real Tardis Trio. Female/Doctor/Male. *sigh* one more loveseick companion and i will freak. (not counting Donna...who is made of win) Friends?


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mememememeee February 2 2009, 20:41:56 UTC
All About You ( ... )


writeangel1 February 2 2009, 20:58:40 UTC
5/10 Shows in common and we're both totally shallow when it comes to Mitchell. :D Friends?

*I kind of hope mitchell/annie is explored. They are so adorable together! But then so are Annie/George....*sigh*


mememememeee February 2 2009, 21:02:20 UTC
He is jus so HOTT isn't he??

Yay! OK new friend :D


txteva February 3 2009, 02:17:16 UTC
*icon love*


punkfunkdisco February 2 2009, 20:45:56 UTC

All About You:
Name: Cat
Age: 23
Something Random: My room seriously needs dusting right now
Public or FO journal: 99% FO

Being Human
What you love most about the show: Russell Tovey! Also, it's funny, dark and fairly realistic for a show with a vampire, werewolf and ghost
Favorite character: George!
Least fave character(s): I guess Lauren, but she brings an interesting aspect to Mitchell's character so I don't dislike her
Favorite Pairing(s): I was digging a bit of Annie/Mitchell last night, if I'm honest
Pimp a Comm BH fans should join:vamp_n_ghost and beinghuman_meta - LOL I guess those two seeing as they're already there!

Other Fandoms
Favorite Shows: Robin Hood (BBC), Doctor Who, Gavin & Stacey, CSI, CSI:NY, Tribe (with Bruce Parry), Scrubs, Sharpe
Favorite Characters: Allan a Dale (RH), Mickey (DW), Martha (DW), Donna (DW), Smithy (G&S), Danny (CSI:NY), Flack (CSI:NY), The Janitor (Scrubs)
Favorite Pairings: Allan/Marian (RH), Rose/Mickey (DW), Jack/Martha/Ten (DW), Danny/Flack, Danny/Lindsay, Danny/Flack/Lindsay (CSI:NY), Sharpe/Teresa

By the way, you've left ( ... )


writeangel1 February 2 2009, 20:53:12 UTC
I know! I realized it like three minutes after but people had alread started replying! *kicks self* I got my windows mixed up. *shakes head* Its fixed now, but thanks for being cool about it. &hearts


punkfunkdisco February 2 2009, 20:55:39 UTC
*giggles* the curse of too many windows! No worries, just thought I'd let you know in case you hadn't realised :)


writeangel1 February 2 2009, 21:03:10 UTC
Jack/Martha/Ten!!!!! *nods* My favorite Tardis Trio. I have just started watching Scrubs while it was on hiatus and I luv it! The Janitor is made of win. Friends?


What an awesome idea! :D markenzeichen February 2 2009, 20:49:22 UTC
All About You:
Name: Devo
Age: Seventeen!
Something Random: I have the same ugly, forest green fingerless gloves as Mitchell! :3
Public or FO journal: FO, but I occasionally post rubbish / fanfic to the public...

Being Human
What you love most about the show: EVERYTHING FFF-
Favorite character: Hands down, George. Oh god he's so adorable that it makes my teeth hurt.
Least fave character(s): I pretty much like everyone... In their own ways. Except maybe Owen? He just irks me.
Favorite Pairing(s): I'm still a pretty fierce George / Mitchell shipper. But I'll go for a bit of OT3. And Mitchell/Herrick..? D:
Pimp a Comm BH fans should join:beinghuman_fic, of course. ;D

Other Fandoms
Favorite Shows: Twin Peaks, Red Dwarf, Black Books, Green Wing, Spaced, Torchwood and Scrubs. :3
Favorite Characters: Ianto Jones (woobie theme? D:), Albert Rosenfield, Arnold Rimmer, Bernard Black, Guy Secretan. :D
Favorite Pairings: Hurrm. I will pick and choose at will, usually. :D


Re: What an awesome idea! :D brownstudies February 2 2009, 21:48:52 UTC
i ruddy love those gloves.

woo, Green Wing!!


Re: What an awesome idea! :D markenzeichen February 2 2009, 22:22:33 UTC
I know right? I literally tore the house apart looking for them after I saw the man himself wearing them.
And now I wear them at every given opportunity, but am too ashamed to tell normal people why. >_>

And Green Wing is most excellent - I miss it!


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amaresu February 2 2009, 20:55:34 UTC
All About You:

Name: amaresu
Age: 25
Something Random: I collect Super Hero Squad figures. I make fake flower arrangements. Licorice is love.
Public or FO journal: Mixed. Flocked due to Russian bots, but a lot of fandom stuff is still open.

Being Human

What you love most about the show: Just the simple premise and the way they're managing to do things differently. Vampires and werewolves have become a lot like Daleks, if you're going to do them do something different. I think Being Human is succeeding on that front. I really do just love the way the three of them interact and bond. I should probably stop now.
Favorite character: If I had to choose it'd be George. But I love them all.
Least fave character: If I had to choose it would be Herrick, but only if I had to choose.
Favorite pairing George/Mitchell, but I'm a multi-shipper.
Pimp a Comm BH fans should join: I don't know. Does this fandom have a newsletter?

Other Fandoms

Favorite Shows: Doctor Who (Classic, Big Finish, and New), Sapphire and Steel, Leverage, and ( ... )


i think i just fell in love lo0o0ony_lauren February 2 2009, 21:02:35 UTC
SAPPHIRE AND STEEL are you fucking kidding me! And you're classic Who, too. <3


Re: i think i just fell in love amaresu February 2 2009, 21:07:19 UTC
I adore Sapphire and Steel. I run element_flash. There seems to be a small, but growing, fandom for the show. Yay!

Is there anything about Who to not love? I don't think so.


lo0o0ony_lauren February 2 2009, 21:03:22 UTC
oh and er obviously what I meant to say is: friend?


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