Now that we've uncovered some interesting facts about our favorite and least favorite characters (
see assignment #1), its time to utilize them to craft a short story. Using one detailed fact for each character (favorite/least) write a 500 - 2,500 word story that further explores it or creates an instance to exploit it.
(NOTE: As I'd hate for flow and creativity to be stifled by capping a maximum word amount at 2,500, think of the word limit more as a guideline. Just try not to get too carried away!)
For example, say one of the detailed facts you crafted was that Sasuke's favorite food was a tomato. The detail of this interesting fact was that eating them reminded Sasuke of gardening with his mother when he was young. For this week's exercise you could expand upon that memory OR write a story in which this fact is re-discovered (i.e. Team 7 has a picnic and Sakura learns that Sasuke's favorite food is tomatoes).
Assignment Breakdown:
- Write a 500 - 2,500 word story that further explores one of the detailed facts of your favorite character
- Write a 500 - 2,500 word story that further explores one of the detailed facts of your least favorite character
- Make sure to add the word count to your post! (see "how to post" on the community profile)
Submission Times: Friday, April 29th (12:00 a.m. EST) - Friday, May 13th (11:59 p.m. EST)
Happy writing!