This community is a bi-weekly fan fiction contest for the manga Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Every three weeks, a new prompt will be posted and the community members interested in participating will sign-up and submit a story before the deadline. You have two weeks to write and one week to read the entries. If you wish to watch the community, that’s fine as well. Just remember to read and review each story. Feedback is always beneficial.
write_and_run is currently in a three month trial period. At the end of it, should we have at least 3 participants for every prompt and 5 voters/reviewers each time, this community will continue.
Rules, Regulations, and Other Stipulations
- Only fics directly related to this community (i.e. products of the contest prompts and newly written) may be posted here. A link to your actual work is fine.
- All entries over 100 words must be behind an lj-cut.
- If your fic is R-rated, M-rated, NC-17 rated or anything above those, and unsuitable for minors, please f-lock your entry.
- Every entry should be spell-checked and contain reasonable attempts at grammar and punctuation.
- All ratings and genres are welcome. Besides the given characters and pairings for a prompt, you are free to use any others you can think of as long as the required characters/pairings are present. However, should the prompt says no pairings, do not include any.
- Original characters accepted, so long as they are background characters only.
- Alternate Universes and Alternate Realities are nifty things; feel free to use them. Just remember to label it as such.
- Construction criticism is strongly encouraged. We are here to practice our skills at writing and enjoy friendly competition. Receiving comments on fics that we took the time and effort to write is a wonderful thing. Flames, on the other hand, will not be tolerated. If you flame, you will be banned.
- Word count will be specified with the prompt, but it will be either 100 to 1000, 1000 to 3000, or 3000 to 5000.
- As for voting, we will be using a point system for the first prompt and anonymous voting for the second. A poll will go after that six weeks period to see which was preferred.
Let me take a minute to explain the point system first, though.
In a review, each reader will give points based on this criteria:
Character Interpretation - 10 points for each character (who is included in the prompt) that remains in character. Look for habits, mannerisms, ways of speaking, etc. If you think the writer did a great job, reward them appropriately.
Grammar/Spelling - 10 points for a story that was properly revised and edited.
Story Flow - Maximum of 20 points. This one depends on how well you, the reader, think the story was written. Is it easy to understand, did you get confused at some parts? Give points based on your own opinion and explain what could have been improved or what you enjoyed the most about it.
Prompt Usage - 15 points max. Was the prompt used in a unique, but still understandable way? Then award them full points! Again, this will be based on personal opinion and should be explained to the writer.
Originality - 15 points max. Cliches used in unexpected ways? A pairing written so well it made you consider it for the first time in a serious light? Give credit where credit is due with these points!
Bonus - An automatic 10 points for anyone who uses the bonus guidelines.
- Voting for yourself is not permitted, regardless of the method used.
- In the heading, place the prompt # and the title of your fic.
- Format for entries should be modeled after this:
Word Count:
You may add other things, such as genres, summaries, etc. Just make sure to include the essentials.
- On the matter of tags: please include the prompt # for convenient archiving. Also include the characters and pairings you used, as well as your user name in this format - character: name, pairing: name/name, user: lj name. To request any tags you need, visit this post.
- To sign-up/participate for a prompt, just comment on the prompt post. We will hold you to your word should you enter. Should you be unable to contribute for any reason, however, please let us know by PMing a moderator or leaving a comment on the sign-up post.
- Only submit one entry per prompt.
- Finally, please be aware that the prompts may include gen, het, yaoi, and yuri. If you feel uncomfortable about any of these, we suggest you don't participate in the prompts that include them or don't join at all.
The winners of each round will receive a banner of their choice and three icons of their choosing. Runner-ups, a banner of their choice and participants of the first free months, a generic banner.
If you have any questions, please submit them to
this post.