Title: Betty and the Bat (Ficlet #11)
Fandom: Batman Begins/Ugly Betty
Characters/Pairing: Betty Suarez, Bruce Wayne, and Alfred Pennyworth
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,907
Summary: A bit of mothering for early in the morning.
Notes: This is the 10th part in a rather unusual crossover which takes place after Season one of Ugly Betty and the end of
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Comments 33
I just wish Bruce was taking Betty to the ball :( But we'll have Justin, Hilda and Cristina to compensate for that :)
I suppose Daniel is going to be there as well? That would be wonderful to see.
Thanks for reading!
This is just so much fun!
Betty could feel his eyes on the back of her neck, which might not have been as creepy if she hadn't known that he knew about a gazilion ways to kill her using common office supplies.
^the line that would have gotten me thrown out of the office if I hadn't been able to hold the laughter on that one in. Oh, and I would have sprayed my monitor with food which...ew? Believe me, my office area is scary enough. But I live for fic with the potential to make...um...nevermind, this line is coming out all wrong. You, on the other hand, fab. Loved the knowing looks between Alfred and Bruce re Selina. All I could think was "They know!" :D
Please let something come up so she can't go....
Excellent chapter :D
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