
Dec 21, 2008 12:17

Your Name/Alias: Michi
Age: 20
Character: Trucy Wright
Series: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Character Age: 15
Canon: Apollo Justice is the fourth game in the Ace Attorney series. Basically it takes old elements of what made the original games great: a defense attorney with silly hair, a fancy pants prosecutor (replace the cravat with bling), murder trials, ridiculously uncooperative witnesses, and of course, a toppy female sidekick.

Trucy Wright is Apollo's token sidekick and daughter of former lawyer protagonist turned hobo, Phoenix Wright. Trucy is a magician who is always willing to show off a new trick. She's cheerful, talkative and never afraid to take initiative. Trucy might have no lawyer training, but she's still helpful to Apollo. She can be surprisingly perceptive and intelligent, plus her panties have helped him find evidence more than once! Oh, and yes, she's pretty fond of cheerfully saying the word 'panties' (and other seemingly inappropriate things) no matter how uncomfortable that makes Apollo. Panties! :D

Like in the Ace Attorney games, keywords are highlighted in orange.

Sample Post:

Wow, what a lively crowd! Is it customary for the audience to ask for marriage this early into the performance? I haven't even gotten around to showing my panties yet! My Magic Panties trick is the highlight of my act. It's usually the reason people come watch in first place. Why, if I had a dollar every time someone asked me to show my panties, Daddy and I would be rich by now. Of course, I would never quit magic if that ever happened. But a girl can dream about money!

Anyway hi! I'm Trucy Wright, magician extraordinaire, and it's great to be here! I can see you're all magic fans. I couldn't ask for any more handcuffs and ropes props. Don't worry, I'm not going to pull a Houdini just yet. You booked me here for the entire night, so I'm going to make it worth your money. So get ready for a magical, unforgettable evening! Let's start the show!

You're in for a real treat, folks. I'm going to perform a classic but never before seen Trucy Wright trick, the 'Zig Zag'! The reason I've never done it on stage is because daddy never lets me try to cut him up for practice. Are there any brave volunteers who would like to step into this box? This trick's pretty easy. Once inside the box, I'll just cut you into pieces and put you back together again! Of course there's more to the trick than that, but a magician never reveals her secrets. Come on, there's no need to be shy. I'm here because of you all, even those of you in the ceiling. Wow, this gives new meaning to 'nose bleed section.' There's more to being audience than just watching the show! You've got to apply yourself!

If that's how it's going to be, I'm just going to have to pick someone. I'm going to choose... you! You're perfect. In fact, you already look like someone's stuck a knife in you several times. That's some impressive make up. Okay everyone, let's give our guest Mr. Zombie a hand!

Zombie... zombie... that sounds really familiar... Oh, I know! Maybe you're a cousin twice removed from rock star, Rob Zombie! If that's true, it would mean performing is in your blood! Have you ever considered a career in professional audiencing? You could be my assistant. Together we can make a real heart pounding performance and your heart doesn't even have to beat! Brains? Oh, you don't really have to worry about that. It's like they say, "you don't need brains to make it in show business!" But you're still going to need your head, so keep it on. I haven't even started sawing yet! What a pro.

Voting went here! (53-2, 96.4%) \o/

*app, *ooc

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