Application #2

Mar 20, 2010 20:04

1,692 comments posted before reapp!

Your Name/Alias: Michi
Age: 21
Character: Trucy Wright
Series: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Character Age: 15
Canon: Apollo Justice is the fourth game of the Ace Attorney franchise. Set seven years after defense attorney Phoenix Wright's heyday, Phoenix has been disbarred from practicing and Apollo Justice has picked up the reins. As if being a rookie attorney isn't stressful enough, Apollo has the worst luck with uncooperative clients and witnesses. Luckily he has his obligatory trusty assistant, Trucy Wright, to give him a nudge in the 'wright' direction.

So what exactly does a lawyer need a magician sidekick for anyway? ...That's a good question! Despite her father being THE Phoenix Wright, Trucy has no training in law whatsoever. In fact, she isn't exactly 'law abiding'. But hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! When Apollo's at risk of losing a trial, you'd stage a kidnapping to stall the proceedings too, right? Trucy's perky, ballsy, with more than a couple tricks up her sleeve. Okay, that didn't really answer the question, but Apollo appreciates Trucy's presence all the same. She has a good head on her shoulders and remains optimistic in the face of impossible odds. He just wishes she didn't have such selective hearing and flash her panties at any opportunity. It's okay! They're ~magical~ panties! It helps them find evidence!

Note: Ace Attorney games highlight keywords in orange

Sample Post:


Sure, there may have been a few close calls with the law. Like that time I accidentally set fire to someone's hair in a magic show, but daddy had them sign a waiver. And there was that tiny warning about panty flashing, but it was all a big misunderstanding! Those are nothing compared to murder, though. I can't go to jail for murder. What about daddy and Polly? They can't do anything on their own. Plus, I'll have to take a leave from school and make friends all over again!

...Though I have heard that inmates make very good audiences! Anyone can appreciate a good magic show, even those on death row. Oh, that'll make a catchy slogan and it rhymes! I'll have to run that by daddy when we get home. It is about time I broadened my audience. Plus I don't have anything against performing in prison. I mean, Polly and I go in and out of prison all the time, so the guards practically know our names. I would just have to promise not to pull a Houdini on any of the inmates.

Still, I can't have murder on my criminal record. Trucy Wright, Magician / Murderer Extraordinaire has no ring to it! It wouldn't work well as a stage name at all! Maybe TRUCY THE RIPPER. That has more impact. Um, Trucy the Bloody? Trucy the Magical Killer... Oh! Truce Bundy like Ted Bundy! He escaped from prison twice. Now that's a vanishing act. Or maybe even Lady T? Would that make Polly my Honey Bey? Does anyone still remember that music video anymore?

But anyway, catchy name or not, I want to be famous, not infamous! I know what I have to do. I'll just have prove my innocence. We'll solve this case and catch the real murderer together! Luckily, you're talking to the Trucy Wright of Wright's Anything Agency. We can do anything, especially if it's to avoid going to prison!

Alright! Let me check my panties and see what kind of evidence I can find. These are my magical panties. What's the trick behind it? Oh silly, just like Victoria, a magician never shares her secrets!

Voting happened here! (47-4, 92.2% IN)

*app, *ooc

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