Title: Everything Nice 8/??
Author: Guardian
Rating: PG
Pairing: Cable/Deadpool
Timeline: sequel to
Sugar & SpiceDisclaimer: written for fun, not profit.
Word count: 1,300
Summary: Wade has bitchin pajamas, yes he does.
Previous Parts:
Master post here. This chapter has been taken down for revision. Check
Everything Nice on AO3 for any updates.
Comments 7
"Wade, get out of the closet,"
Yes, Wade. Get out, stand proud and enjoy your bestest ever boyfriend in public/private/outer space, it's all good. :D
The idea that nobody else got treated to this kind of intimacy was a powerful motivator. He turned to fetch the mask from the closet.
Um, guh. So, I may have a bit of a posessive!Nate kink.
Aww, Tasky's a bit broken too and all grumpy? Poor Tony. *petpet*
Wade has Captain America jammies? So totally cool! I wish I was joking. No wait, I'm fine with it.
I'm still not sure if that makes you hero potential, or just crazy
A litle from column A, a little from column B. It's what keeps him interesting!
And the last line is a happy line of happiness, I still have a huge soft spot for Logan and sometimes I'm not even sure why. This time it's a given. ♥
Thank you for breaking my face with smiles. I'm in serious pain here, but cannot. stop. the. happy. :D
Your happy comment is breaking my face with smiles now. lol
BTW, I put up the kink meme. If you have sekrit fan bases I don't know about, plz pimp it out.
*cries tears of joy*
Lol I haven't even read it yet, and I'm like this
Writer, what have ye done?
xD <3 <3 <3
It's probably not a good thing that I just so happen to read this during work.
People were wondering why I was grinning like a crazy person behind my desk.
Love ya, and can't wait for the next!<3
(The comment has been removed)
This is just so-aww. My heart melts at all the fluffy sweet moments. Cause Wade like totally deserves them!!!
And you are awesome for writing this =] I CANNOT wait until you update this story. Since it is really awesome~<3
P.S: I love the way you write Nate/Wade. Honestly so lovely x3
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