At last - the next Homecoming chapter. Sorry it's been so long. It's been through a couple of redrafts and taken much longer than I'd expected.
Anyway, here it is.
As always, it's for Adults Only and by clicking any of the links you are stating that you fall into that category.
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Comments 45
"I wouldn't trust her to pack a lunch, let alone my Armani" -- love this line
"a milk splash on my favorite Prada boots" -- sound the alarms!
Great chapter.
Glad you got a laugh from the 'packing' line. That came out of the last re-write yesterday, so I guess maybe it was worth waiting for.
I think the fact that Brian's not doing a total queen out over the milk splash speaks volumes for how his priorities might have shifted a little. *g*
As for Linds, I have plans for Linds *g*
I wouldn't trust her to pack a lunch, let alone my Armani, brilliant line and then you say this; I'm just dealing with what looks like a milk splash on my favorite Prada boots. I hope it is Jennifer and not some more drama.
Of course, sometimes they will be out of synch, and things won't work out so well, but at the moment they're totally on the same page, so hopefully it will all go smoothly.
Glad you like the 'packing' line. It came to me yesterday when I was doing the final re-write and worked for me much better than what I'd had there before; so it's good to know that it worked for others as well. I really can not imagine Brian allowing Daphne anywhere near his clothes, I suspect he'd even think twice about allowing her to pack Justin's. *g*
Daphne is a great friend and I'm happy she is going to help them move, they need more friends like that in their lives.
Jennifer is the perfect grandmother, helping where needed, and otherwise butting out, I love her in this story :)
Next, Babylon and some hot sex, yes? Yes!
And yes, next Babylon. *g*
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