Wren's Re-Writes Index

Nov 03, 2003 11:15

I despised S5, and the index for my S5 "re-write" (which actually turned into an alternative S5 is here:
Reverberations Index

But I also loathed a number of scenes in S4, and along the way, I've done "re-writes" of a few of my pet hates.

They start with "the slap" scene in 406. I will never forgive Debbie for the way she behaved in this scene (well, pretty much in this whole arc really). But I also found it very very hard to forgive Justin for condoning her behaviour and for seeming to agree that it was Brian who was at fault. Anyway, here is the way I think the aftermath to that scene could (and should) have gone.

406_revised: a ficlet

Next cab off the rank was the fact that I simply didn't believe that it took Michael to "explain" to Justin what Brian's problem was when he'd thrown Justin out of the loft. As if! For one thing, while I think Justin's more than smart enough to figure it out for himself, I don't for a moment believe that Mikey is either smart or intuitive enough to do it for him. For another, I firmly believe that even if Michael had figured it out he's too damned mean-spirited, self-involved and just plain jealous ever to advise Justin to get back into Brian's life. Here's what I think "really" happened.

The Answer

And, finally, the end of the season. Come on, folks, could you really believe that if Justin accepted that job without a second thought about Brian, and then after he got back to Pittsburgh, effectively lied by omission by not telling Brian about the offer for days, that Brian would do anything but cut him loose? Of course he would. He would take it as an absolute sign that Justin was ready to move on from him; worse, that that's what Justin should do. Besides, how crazy was it to think that they wouldn't be talking on the phone to each other while they were both travelling? No ... just no. Here's how I think it should have gone if they were to have any chance of making it long term.



fic: wren's re-writes

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