sticker designs for BATHS, and other places to find me

Jan 29, 2011 10:13

A couple months back I did some work for the electronic musician BATHS, aka Will Wiesenfeld. The best and most fun project I have worked on in 2010! Some of them were made into tour stickers, of which Will has kindly sent me a bunch.

BATHS stickers that arrived yesterday! )

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Comments 13

steam_pilot January 29 2011, 03:23:27 UTC
I LOVE THEM DUDES MAN!! I've been sending one of their videos around since schumers sent it to me.

*touches* ;__;


wredwrat January 29 2011, 21:25:00 UTC
Yep I also did another design of with the same characters for him that'll be used on tour shirts, he is an amazing dude and I'm happy you dig his music too! The Lovely Bloodflow MV is soooo good ;A;


ocicatsy January 29 2011, 04:08:49 UTC
This is AWESOME. And ooh, I didn't have all your tumblr links. :subscribes:


wredwrat January 29 2011, 21:25:48 UTC
thank you! :D


choffman January 29 2011, 05:10:22 UTC
Wooo look who's hot shit now. ;3

For realz though I love BCC it's so raw-feeling somehow and it makes me want to... play more Rock Band or something? (Nooo my muscial side, y u no work anymore?) But I digress- it is fully ace, dude.


wredwrat January 29 2011, 21:28:08 UTC
Ahahaha! Thanks man, I am happy you digs the BCC, your comment gave me an idea! I've got to draw them playing Rock Band at some point now. :P
Also sorry I forgot to get back to you w my PSN thing.. I still haven't connected online to play anything yet.. but if it's my username you should be able to find me under 'wrat' I think? I'm p sure I registered for a PSN account when I got my PSP


choffman January 30 2011, 00:58:46 UTC
Added! At least.. I think it's you lol.


ladysisyphus January 29 2011, 13:17:14 UTC
Ack! So cute! SO FRICKIN' CUTE

Especially that one with the little girl, my heart, my heart~


wredwrat January 29 2011, 21:28:23 UTC
<333 yee thanks ladyS!


wensleydale January 29 2011, 13:58:33 UTC
Oh sweet, I'll have to check this guy's stuff out! It'd be so awesome going to a show and seeing your stuff at the merch table!

And thanks for the link roundup, it's great to be able to see more of the BCC boys.


wredwrat January 29 2011, 21:28:37 UTC
My pleasure! :)


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