What the Trump?

Jan 21, 2017 13:48

On Thursday, at work, I heard short bits of the pre-inauguration concert. Afterward heard CNN reporter comment about Toby Keith giving a shout out to Obama. Curious I searched online, not able to google any quote I've started listening / watching the whole concert via the New York Times web site. So far have greatly enjoyed the US Army old corp ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

Hello~ helima December 3 2020, 20:13:25 UTC
Didn't know you still posted and I know its been years, but saying, "Hi!"


RE: Hello~ wrayb December 6 2020, 08:45:26 UTC
Hello back! Keep thinking I'll actually use this as a journal some day but have not yet. Have been reading entries from a very few i know still active. Will look now to see if you have any recent entry. Hope you are doing ok in this world in these times.


Re: Hello~ helima December 6 2020, 23:10:09 UTC
No, I have not been on here.
I am on Instagram, Twitter, and FB?


Re: Hello~ helima December 6 2020, 23:10:54 UTC
And I am doing well. Surviving, trying to stay healthy. Hope you are well?


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