Yes, I am in Japan again.

Oct 04, 2015 23:01

Have seen some shrine places

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Comments 3

snakesinspace October 6 2015, 14:16:45 UTC
I was surprised to find Hello Kitty shops in Saudi. You'd think it was haram (forbidden).

I am hoping to get into Japan at the end of this year. Going to float around Ibaraki, Sakaiminato, Kyoto, Koyasan, and Shikoku.


float around wrayb October 7 2015, 14:48:46 UTC
You are so focused in seeing variety of places in Japan. I am so lazy, still going to the same places year after year.


Re: float around snakesinspace October 7 2015, 15:03:26 UTC
I want to get certain things out of the way so I can just focus on Shikoku, which I always go back to every trip.

The haikyo won't always be around so I have to get the ones I want to see checked off as soon as I can. And, of course, there are all the Buddhist pilgrimages and festivals I want to do/see once. Though I'd be happy to just stay in Tokushima-ken forever.


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