Or am I alone in this hall of dreams?

Mar 24, 2004 01:53

I believe in you, you believe in me
But I have no trust in anything
Somehow I'm always - always falling over me
Somehow I'm always - I'm always falling over me...I'm running out of scalpel blades ( Read more... )

insanity, bookshop

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Comments 10

! anonymous March 23 2004, 19:56:14 UTC
Wouldn't you rather have a kitten?



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Re: ! wraithwitch March 24 2004, 01:14:49 UTC
that would only be cool if i actually had vitae running through my veins and wanted to ghoul the kitten.

other than that, not quite my scene... unless i wanted to get god-struck by bast... hmm...


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wraithwitch March 24 2004, 16:12:02 UTC
virtual hugs are appreciated anyways, thank you =)

am going kinda wibbly at present due to circumstances, i don't mind especially, i would just like to stop it or get bad enough to need medicine again - then either way it gets sorted and i can stop whinging =P

have decided that actually what really annoys me about Mark is that he obviously thinks i'm insane, untrustworthy or incompetant because he won't employ me to work in the shop on my own on sundays. grr.

*sigh* ah well. things will sort themselves out somehow, they usually do...


*I can't stay on your morphine because it's making me itch* kimkali March 24 2004, 07:27:03 UTC
Oh darling can we get certified together? I think I'd like that.
Lock me up, throw away the key, and give me some bloody crayons you bastards!
I've started collecting the Nemi cartoons.
I say 'collecting'. What I mean is I have yesterdays and todays pinned on my cork-board at work.
I need something too. Nails heal wrong. Not so pretty. I like the bracelets.
Besides, nails need 'vitamins' or some such shit to be strong. Mine are breaking.
But platmate complimented me on flat-tummy, so La!
Oh, yes, the point.
Here it is -
Bad and Wrong.
And I'll see what I can do. And come and see me sometime, or I'll come to you, or whatever. And and and
You're not so alone.
Thinking of you
Kim X


Re: *I can't stay on your morphine because it's making me itch* wraithwitch March 24 2004, 15:53:01 UTC
'give me some bloody crayons you bastards!'

heeehee, i like that lots. but then as Cinnamon can tell you, if they steal your crayons the secret is to draw on the walls with your fingers... because somewhen your invisible pictures become visible and your fingers change into pens oh so gloriously full of crimson ink... =P

bad? bad and wrong? no no no, is only bad and wrong for *other* keechers and monsters to stab themselves, is perfectly allowed for me. um.

i will come visit as soon as i have a spare tenner - it is second on my list (just below 'ben's birthday present' =)

stay well love
glad the concert was up to scratch =)


Re: *I can't stay on your morphine because it's making me itch* kimkali March 25 2004, 01:55:43 UTC
*bloody crayons*
See how I choose my words so carefully?
I write poems I do.
I can be quite content as your #2 babe.
And for me, because I don't count.
Tenner can be provided (payday).
Yes, concert... must go to more of these. So much cheaper and seemingly less seedy than the other venues where such entertainments are provided.

Staying well.
Your Kim


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