Children of Bast...

Dec 11, 2012 23:33

Raven: Chitten, I think you'll want to move in a minute. Kallian and I are... well... about to get amorous and you're not invited.
Chitten: *My bed. Not moving.*
Kallian: Eh, she'll flee in a minute when the blankets get rucked.
(Blankets are duly rucked.)
Chitten: *My bed. My place. My keechers.* Purrrrrr... (Stretches out paws to prod me in the ( Read more... )

hazard, random, meekle

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Comments 2

bytepilot December 12 2012, 18:13:22 UTC
Now laughing far too much for someone halfway through the activity she is currently engaged in.

Sez I:
Mid Sexyteim is an entirely appropriate moment to get some excellent happy on. Laughing is allowed.

Pointing and laughing however, not so much...


evilref December 13 2012, 13:58:03 UTC
Being a good Victorian spinster, it is possible that Eleanor Farjeon never thought of including it in her poem.

But, in my ever-so-humble opinion, sharing laugher with someone you love is a great thing. That it is "halfway through the activity" makes no difference at all.


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