
Oct 07, 2012 16:44

Were very very deep blue - indigo denim. Then I tried out the red I planned to use for James's wedding.
Feathers of course had their own ideas.
Magenta with purple and highlights of red, indigo and fuchsia...? )


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Comments 10

thegael_arcayne October 7 2012, 16:23:19 UTC
You are so very beautiful, Darlin'.


wraithwitch October 7 2012, 17:39:48 UTC
You really are quite mad.
*all neurons nod*
But I'm very glad you are.


spacedmonkey October 7 2012, 18:40:50 UTC


wraithwitch October 8 2012, 12:22:27 UTC
I've been told they look like a nebula.
They're very.... ultra violet?
possibly it's the ninth colour in the spectrum or something...
(after all, Newton was lying about seven, he only said seven 'cos he thought six wasn't 'occult' and significant enough...)


colonel_maxim October 7 2012, 19:15:41 UTC
Looks fine and/or dandy to me.


wraithwitch October 8 2012, 12:15:14 UTC
They're a little over-bright for me, but they are kinda cool =)


slavelabour October 7 2012, 21:19:31 UTC
Oh, that's awesome! For some reason you just reminded me of Ezra Standish in his dress. I think it's the combination of the ringlets and the purple.


wraithwitch October 8 2012, 12:16:37 UTC
Oh you wench!
I have southern belle drag feathers!
heeeheehee =)


themadone October 8 2012, 09:19:11 UTC

Looks mighty shiny to me, but then I'm a massive fan of the purples.

But I have to point out...blue + red = purple. Not sure why this outcome is a surprise?


wraithwitch October 8 2012, 12:19:22 UTC

Ah, I did bleach them first. This rendered the blue back to 'delirium' - ie, pale candyfloss with bits of blue and yellow and lilac. The red should have taken in full; my feathers thought otherwise =P


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