There are lots of different flavours of crazy.

Jun 23, 2012 01:10

I think the one I hate most of all, is not the one I have to fight against tooth and nail all night to remain whole ( Read more... )

nights like these, head case

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Comments 4

spacedmonkey June 23 2012, 05:55:10 UTC
I would ask my dull question again but it's dull.

Instead I shall ask, what can I do to make things more shiny?


wraithwitch June 23 2012, 12:03:58 UTC
I did take them, and I have a dr's appointment on monday to get more.

You can make things more shiny by trying to ensure you don't fall apart or mentally explode 'cos if you did I'd have no one to explore Undone with =(


spacedmonkey June 23 2012, 13:28:34 UTC
I shall have to ensure I don't then.


spacedmonkey June 23 2012, 09:28:43 UTC

... )


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