How to freak people out...

Jun 10, 2012 20:58

... answer the phone =)


I think maybe I used up my phone quota for a year. Ah well.

And now I stop harassing far away Lupicalians and get on with some writing.

hazard, monstering

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Comments 11

Pook anysbryd June 11 2012, 05:35:54 UTC
Far away Lupicalians....?


Re: Pook wraithwitch June 11 2012, 08:19:04 UTC
Far faaaar away Lupicalians.
Well, Lupicalian, there was only the one.


Re: Pook anysbryd June 11 2012, 08:24:19 UTC
how far is far faaaar away?


Re: Pook wraithwitch June 11 2012, 08:39:35 UTC
(heeeee - icon!)

Over a huge patch of sog.
On the west coast of what Max would call 'The Colonies'.


colonel_maxim June 11 2012, 06:05:18 UTC
You must explain more. Do you have an e.t.a. for returning to Civilisation?


wraithwitch June 11 2012, 08:20:08 UTC
I believe I shall return to Shamblyland tomorrow afternoon.


colonel_maxim June 11 2012, 12:32:08 UTC
Ah, do tell me when you have returned. If you are free, the Maritime Museum and afternoon tea awaits.


wraithwitch June 11 2012, 12:43:25 UTC
I am free, and afternoon tea sounds splendid. I shall give you a shout when I'm on my way...


I think maybe I used up my phone quota for a year. Ah well. thegael_arcayne June 11 2012, 07:10:48 UTC
I do hope it was worth it...


Re: I think maybe I used up my phone quota for a year. Ah well. wraithwitch June 11 2012, 08:21:19 UTC
Yes, I think it was.


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