No Oastian heating. Bone hair sticks, long full skirts and a WWI jacket...

Nov 15, 2011 00:20

Today I did accounts, also sorted the remains of my mother's clothes and shoes into what might be feasibly wearable in the future. A skirt, some jumpers and a couple of shirts remained. Swathes of nicely made Italian 1970s boots and fancy shoes were culled along with a fur coat, a leather gilet and some 1960s Beeba clothes my mother had held on to ( Read more... )

oast, histrionics, nights like these

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Comments 1

evilref November 15 2011, 09:26:52 UTC
...unpublishable novel writing...Ain't no such thing. Thanks to the wonders of technology, anything is publishable: and if you can do the cover-art and get the editing done without cost, the budget is somewhere between small (Lulu, Lightning Source) and free (Amazon Kindle, Createspace ( ... )


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