Oh, look, I lied.

Nov 06, 2011 01:00

I said I'd catch up. I haven't. If I owe you a comment or a text or an email it's not because I hate you and think you're a potplant. Promise. You're all lovely ( Read more... )

poll, creative, histrionics, bitching

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Comments 2

evilref November 8 2011, 16:58:21 UTC
I've been lost in 1870s Arizona trying to do a basic edit and double-check on my story so I can send it forth to be beta'd. Of course in doing this preliminary edit neurons are now convinced the story is poo and awful and I never should have written the second half of it as it's long and dull and random. Which is a mook thing to think, and obviously doubly mook if it's accurate. *sigh* I persevere.

You should persevere. Editing is a painful process, doubly so if you're doing it yourself, rather than having someone you trust help you with it. It's hard to be objective about your own work, is it not?

Beta-readers will heap praise upon you; and however deserved it is, I am sure you will find that you will find a way to pretend to yourself that it is mere politeness.

I am sure because I do all this. :-(


wraithwitch November 8 2011, 17:31:41 UTC
Past stories which were novel-length were a lot more episodic in nature so editing them felt a lot more like editing a little string of stories - very manageable. I don't think I've ever had to poke such a vast unwieldy lump of story as this with a stick before...

Oh gods I hope my Beta doesn't heap praise on me. Well, I mean I hope they really enjoy it, but I hope they critique it too. I'm used to my father editing my stories. His praise is 'It's good, you have an ear for dialogue / eye for character / interesting ideas...' aaand then the STABBY RED PEN would come down!


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