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Comments 7

annwfyn December 23 2008, 20:56:00 UTC
If you do not wish to attend Christmas festivities with us, then we won't hate you at all - don't attend out of miserable obligation. Having said that, we would really like you to be here, even if it is just for a short while.

Erm. Yes. What I'm trying to say is that you're wanted, will be appreciated, but this place doesn't have to be a prison - come, don't come, just come for short periods of time if you feel up to it. Have car. Can transport you.


wraithwitch December 24 2008, 03:47:41 UTC
Thank you. I have since mostly come out of my bleak mood after Ginnie summoned me to Goblin Town specifically so she could complain about Twilight.

I will like Christmas really - I generally do - I'm just being a mildly unstable wench. There will be cooking and mulled cider and presents and cats to scrabble at the paper and silly conversation and possibly even more rants about Twilight... I wouldn't like to miss it, that would be foolish. Thank you for inviting me =)


sea_cucumber December 23 2008, 21:55:23 UTC
I hadn't though of Christmas like that, you're quite right, it's very hard indeed to recreate that magical childhood wonder of it all.

Quite troublesome really, but people still try as it's all worth it if they get a fleeting glimpse of the elusive shinyness!

I think I am going to do not very much but sleep, eat and read for the next week (apart from work tomorrow morning), unless the weather is randomly ok enough to do some gardening. You do whatever you feel like doing, whether you feel like flomping at home or socialising, I am sure people would prefer you were non-doomed!


wraithwitch December 24 2008, 03:50:18 UTC
It is worth trying to make Christmas shiny and fill it with as much wonder and interest as it had when we were children... it's just hard to do and I think that's why people get especially stressed and unhappy. Still, when you do manage to recapture some of the shininess it does make up for it =)


evilref December 23 2008, 23:11:46 UTC
I remember it. I used to listen to it as a suicidal teenager too. (That was a very long time ago.)

All alone, or in twos, the ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall

Some hand in hand, some gathered together in bands
The bleeding hearts and the artists make their stand

And when they've given their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad bügger's wall

When you have hurt, Christmas can amplify that hurt. That can be lonely. I'm sorry that happens to you. :-(


wraithwitch December 24 2008, 03:55:45 UTC
I will in all probability have a lovely christmas really - I was just having a very bad day and therefore viewing everything with extreme ill-humour... Also, well, listening to The Wall was Not Bright (TM) and I should have known better. (Oh wait, I did, but did it anyway. tsk...)
Hope your Christmas is a shiny one and that you and your small clan are well =)


evilref December 24 2008, 11:08:27 UTC
I find listening to madly-depressing music (and Roger Waters is one of the best for this) is sometimes a good idea when feeling down. It seems that there is some kind of emotional homeopathy that makes miserable music cheer me up.

I hope yours is shiny too. Ours is busy, since our little clan (clann beag) is not as little as it was this time last week!


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