
Dec 01, 2008 15:55

That was pretty fucking tactless.

Have some grace, can't you?


Apparently not.

Ah well.

gentlemen aren't nice

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Comments 19

ginasketch December 1 2008, 15:59:35 UTC
Erm...what happened if you don't mind my asking.

I am constantly surrounded by tactless people. X(


wraithwitch December 1 2008, 22:21:43 UTC
You can ask, but I don't feel I ought to answer.
Suffice to say it wasn't you, and I know I shouldn't have put up such a publicly 'enigmatic' post but I was REALLY rather irritated.
I hate it when people are so basely ill-mannered.


ginasketch December 1 2008, 22:47:55 UTC
Nah, that's why I asked "if you don't mind my asking." I don't need to know, but if I ever do say anything that offends you I do hope you will tell me!

Yes, I have paranoia quite badly.:P


maznu December 1 2008, 22:47:56 UTC
Well, so long as you've made the person in question know you're unhappy with them and given them a good telling off for doing so, then that should suffice.


lapinenoireuk December 1 2008, 16:33:01 UTC
Ehhh ???

If I missed the obvious ........apols


ginasketch December 1 2008, 16:46:24 UTC
I'm all paranoid now. X( I hope I said nothing wrong by accident.


lapinenoireuk December 1 2008, 16:54:12 UTC
The Corvid will get back asap.

(And paranoid is my copyright)


ginasketch December 1 2008, 16:56:15 UTC
(And paranoid is my copyright)

Then I am guilty of numerous violations.


nadriel December 1 2008, 17:32:41 UTC
I don't think I've said/done anything, but I'm definitely in one of my more socially oblivious states currently...


wraithwitch December 1 2008, 22:26:16 UTC
Worry not, all is well and I'm not spitting nails at you =)


annwfyn December 1 2008, 23:55:09 UTC
Randomly, if you wish to flee from your place then there is a sofabed with heat and cats and alcohol over here.

Jez and Ginnie are going to Hatfield tomorrow night, but I am able to provide place of possible less stress, with DVDs and the like.


wraithwitch December 4 2008, 02:07:33 UTC
Had I not been at the Oast, that would have been gratefully accepted =)
Heee - have just read all the many Aberrant/Marvel emails in my inbox...


tziganka December 2 2008, 18:48:19 UTC
eeek was it sommat i said about obama being irish? or was it about small dead animals? or the snow? I am on the verge of getting a hat. not sure its wise. my tastes gone native and i might end up with a shawl of a hundred tails. bt. email me.at. hotmail.co.uk with rant abuot me or a.n.other as appropriate. xxx lurve but not in a kinky way m dear.



wraithwitch December 4 2008, 02:11:57 UTC
No, t'was not you, t'was a boy being a fuckwit.
What do you progress to after castration irons? Enquiring minds need to know...
What's wrong with a hat? or a shawl with many tails? sound good to me, especially if it's snowing =)


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