Contact Lenses

Nov 05, 2006 13:24

I promised people links for fashion lenses ( Read more... )


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Comments 3

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wraithwitch November 6 2006, 15:58:07 UTC
*nods* I know, although it's not like I've found them cheaper anywhere else...


reindeerflotila November 6 2006, 15:01:46 UTC
I got some disposables from cyberdog but my eyes, curse them, are too sensitive. They scream asif acid is being continulally dripped on them when I try to wear them :(



wraithwitch November 6 2006, 16:03:37 UTC
there is a good possibility those specific contacts just irritated your eyes. with 'free-size' ones it really is pure luck as to whether you can wear them happily for a night or whether you'll get the acid-drip effect. the question is more do you have the 30quid or the inclination to try a second pair...



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