
Apr 13, 2006 10:45

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histrionics, meme

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Comments 53

evilref April 13 2006, 09:50:03 UTC


wraithwitch April 13 2006, 11:35:35 UTC
1. Your ability to percieve different levels to the world.
2. Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis and Sadly by Her Side by Nick Cave.
3. Talk randomness.
4. "Nobody touches the Priestess!"
5.Wandering about somewhere between Holloway and Brunel, you'd recently returned from Egypt I think and were being all 'gentleman adveturer' and talking about running a vampire game.
6."In the heat of the composition I find that I have inadvertently allowed myself to assume the form of a large centipede..."
7. Do you wonder what would have happened if you'd walked some of the paths you didn't?


evilref April 13 2006, 14:36:40 UTC
7. Do you wonder what would have happened if you'd walked some of the paths you didn't?

B100dy hell, that is a big question -- and the answer is yes, and no. I think I need to think about that further. I'll attempt to answer it on my journal sometime over the weekend.

It all seems clear in my head, but explaining it is harder, because words are tricksy things. (Or maybe it is my head being tricksy.)

Trust you to make my brain ache. I should learn. :-p


reindeerflotila April 13 2006, 09:52:00 UTC
anterior ligament!


wraithwitch April 13 2006, 11:47:46 UTC
1. Your manner, the way you interact with people.
2. Kaikan Phase and a load of accompianing J-pop.
3. Talk wierdness at length with alcohol.
4. "Bloody urban pooka!"
5. You playing Peter Wolfe.
6. "Richard had noticed that events were cowards: they didn't occur singly, but instead they would run in packs and leap out at him all at once." Neil Gaiman
7. How do you ever get low self esteme?


reindeerflotila April 13 2006, 14:37:07 UTC
7) Neurons


wraithwitch April 13 2006, 15:01:02 UTC
erm... if you didn't have neurons you'd be brain dead. also not all neurons are capable of being mopey. lastly, although neurons have a great capacity for being weird and making shit up, they tend to get thheir ideas from somewhere initially, so it's unfair to lay the blame souly at their boots i think...


castorlion April 13 2006, 09:56:53 UTC
Me please!


wraithwitch April 13 2006, 12:35:38 UTC
1. Your affability.
2. Theme tunes to 'Gummi Bears' and also 'She Ra'.
3. Dunno, watch more He-Man maybe?
4. *scrabble scrabble tap*
5. You bounding around doing Garu stuff.
6. "Can werebear Care Bears give the Werebear Stare?"
7. Can you find anything quickly in your room?


tziganka April 13 2006, 10:09:27 UTC
i looooooooveeeeee youuuuuuu
i adore your plum and wine and oatcake diet. i might try to sell it to marie claire as the new atkins.


wraithwitch April 13 2006, 12:15:55 UTC
I love you too dear girl. Mm, and I rather like my new diet too - although I'm sure it's very bad for me. But it's very stylish, and that has to count for something, right?

1. Your wonderful mix of insanity and inteligence.
2. The Red Laugh by Andreyev.
3. Meet up?
4. "If you look up the chimney you can see god..."
5. Sitting around that bloody table in Upper5th with Philippa, Nasim, and that lot while I ate your humous and Nasim glared at me.
6. "They could attach rotors to Lenin’s head and feet, and he’d generate a Chernobyl’s-worth of power for the new Russia as he’s spinning in his grave." -Bruce Sterling
7. Will you ever learn to say 'fuck off'?


gothicfreakgrrl April 13 2006, 10:20:39 UTC
comment :) (cause I know this'll be a challenge!)


wraithwitch April 13 2006, 12:06:15 UTC
1. Your ability to come up kicking.
2. Mesh - 'Friends Like These'
3. Run around Camden maybe.
4. Children with traffic cones on their heads.
5. Sitting in the flat, bitching at MTV =)
6. "There's only thing I hate more than test tube lifeforms that piss drugs... And that's testube lifeforms that don't piss drugs." Lazarus Churchyard
7. Are you happy?


gothicfreakgrrl April 13 2006, 12:11:09 UTC
That was very cool :) thank you!

Are you happy?
Life = sorted, relationship = sorted, living arrangements = sorted, friends = sorted, si = not happening. Am I happy...not always, I still get horrible thoughts and stuff, and insomnia is killing me lately. It's a bit confusing >_


gothicfreakgrrl April 13 2006, 12:11:38 UTC
oh, and there's Camdenness happening on Sunday if you're interested?


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