Sorry, couldn't resist the obvious...

Sep 22, 2005 11:53

Post a comment with one or more questions for a LARP character of mine.

(Cinnamon, Keziah, Seraphim... as well as Silhoette, Pasht and Seshtar come to mind.)

The responses will be IC but you can't use them blah blah...

*suddenly has ideas to put Pasht, Seshtar and Tehm in film. Oh dear GODS. heheheheheeeheeheheehee*


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Comments 24

reindeerflotila September 22 2005, 11:05:48 UTC
Cinnamon - why go from Sean to Maximillian. What happened.


wraithwitch September 22 2005, 11:23:49 UTC
What happened?
I don't know. I wouldn't sleep with Sean so he ran away and hid. My sire found him and put him in Bedlam. I became Bedlam to get him back.... And he... hated me. No... he feared me as Bedlam and hated what I had become. But I had only done it to save him...
That hurt. I still loved him through the hurt - I still love him now - but you cannot be with someone when they fear you and when they have not forgiven you and do not trust you.
*shrugs unhappily* Sean went away from me and did not come back.
...I wasn't 'with' Max. He just took to looking after me - and I to him (between you and me, Max is madder than I ever was.)
But I chose his company over that of Sean's in heaven because he accepts what I am - which is Cinnamon. Not a broken thing, not a terrible power, not a goddess or a fallen paragon. Just me.


castorlion September 22 2005, 11:12:47 UTC
Seraphim (DA incarnation)- What do you think of Godwin? Do you trust him?


wraithwitch September 22 2005, 11:28:28 UTC
*laughs, but not unkindly*
I think he has much good in him.... Also a melencholic nature given to accidie - which I will cure him of even if I must teach him to fly doing so!
Trust him? I would not have revealed to him what I did if I had no love nor trust of the man.
He is an ally, and I hope, a friend.


anonymous September 22 2005, 11:26:44 UTC
This is the most tedious journal I have ever read.


wraithwitch September 22 2005, 11:34:42 UTC
I aim to please.
If you go back a few years there's much melordama, insanity and bloodloss - perhaps that's more to your taste?
Pray tell, what usually happens in the journals you read that make them so exciting?


reindeerflotila September 22 2005, 11:35:17 UTC
clearly whatever trol lit is has yet to read MY journal or he'd/she'd have hailed yours as a literary masterpiece :P


blue_cat September 22 2005, 11:55:01 UTC
:P I had someone post on bluecream, on the post announcing Misty's death, "good I hope the other dies soon too so you delete this stupid journal".

I deleted the comment as I choose not to feed the trolls - they onlly seek to spread drama and pain in the same way stupid people think it is funny to set things alight, like letter boxes, then get all OMG when they kill 16 people in a flat fire or soemthing (which is exactly the cause of one of the Parisan flat fires).


anonymous_james September 22 2005, 11:47:34 UTC
Cinnamon - Why didn't you like the Toreadors of Runnymede?


wraithwitch September 22 2005, 11:58:53 UTC
*is amused and surprised*
Didn't I?
Oh, wait - I asked Sekhmet to eat his head - I remember - and Malcome Crowe was a cu... never mind.
Um. I was never given a reason to like them. They were usually being arrogant, rude or pokey. And usually one of the clan was harpy and trying to slap me for something I didn't do - that was annoying.
I think mostly I ignored them, I only actually truly disliked Mr Crowe, and that was because he was a cold psychopathic bastard whom my sire would have been proud of.
I got on well with Sophie Christie. I just wish she hadn't done that in the end... I suppose it doesn't matter now.


anonymous_james September 22 2005, 12:04:31 UTC
Who's head?


wraithwitch September 22 2005, 12:23:40 UTC
Christian's I think. He was a camp boy with a silly shirt and he was being harpy and being mean -I think it was because the clan had asked me to do something about him, although I can't remember why...

Why, who do you think I pokked in the head?


Cinnamon blue_cat September 22 2005, 15:00:17 UTC
Why did she follow Nepthys?

Did she ever really trust the setites?


Re: Cinnamon wraithwitch September 22 2005, 15:35:03 UTC
I followed Nephthys because she was a goddess whose teachings I found admirble. The ideas of Ma'at and Golconda were ones that gave me hope. The world is too old and vast to be 'fixed', but by following Ma'at it ensures I do not add to the problem and perhaps by achieving Golconda I would be able to keep those I cared for safe.... Of course in the end my path lead me to Bedlam instead. Although I doubt Nephthys approved I think in its way, Ma'at was sattisfied, since I became the point of humanity and order within an ammoral chaos.
Erm. Or something like that.

Yes, I trusted the Setites, although my trust fell into two catagories. Those whom I trusted to behave with some humanity (Nightvision, Sara, Dave, Adam Black - to a point) and those others (Omar, Adam Black,) whom I trusted to be true to themselves with all the danger and violence that could entail.


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