Rogues and Wraiths Ficathon 2009 Collection

May 01, 2009 21:30

age wrote " Fine Dining" for kegel84
kegel84 wrote " A Good Thing" for ladielazarus
ladielazarus wrote " Lines in the Sand" for figliaperduta
ladielazarus wrote " Any Landing You Can Walk Away From" for colormywaffles
colormywaffles wrote "Leading Man" for parisiennepen
elenathehun wrote " Draw the Sword (Forget the Scabbard)" for virusq
virusq wrote " Red vs Blue" for djcati
otahyoni wrote " Crack Shots" for diamond9697
diamond9697 wrote " Just A Few Hours" for ami_ven
ami_ven wrote " The Admiral's Visit" for tabbinivy
tabbinivy wrote " Like Family" for alison_sky
alison_sky wrote " The Glass Prowler Prank (Behind the Scenes)" for otahyoni


Don't forget, if you need help, say something! The community is pretty good at bouncing ideas and beta-ing, but we need to hear from you!

Edited March 12th, 2010.

rogues and wraiths ficathon

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