Rogues & Wraiths Fic-a-Thon 2018!

Dec 29, 2018 04:52

Hello, all!

The Ficathon is going to be a little late this year - and in a slightly different form. Real life seems to be getting to all of us, so our usual mod, virusq, has let me switch up the ficathon for this go-round, to save us some organization time.

Instead of requests and assignments, we’re doing a writing ‘all-skate’. This post will collect prompts until the new year, when we’ll all choose one (or more) and get writing. We’ll have all of January to work on our stories, then post the results starting in February.

Prompts can be vague or complex, specific characters/pairings or author’s choice, subtly aimed at a favorite author or flung out into space for anyone to find. Please create a new comment for each prompt - but post as many prompts as you like. Leaving a prompt doesn’t commit you to writing a story, but we’d love to have as many writers as possible!

Any questions? Ask them below in the ‘question’ thread.

Comments? There’s a thread for that, too.

rogues and wraiths ficathon

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